New lead in OI

X Ryl boite.pour.spam at
Fri Jan 18 17:18:34 GMT 2013


  I've read the sad news from Sebastian and Nicolas, and I'm wondering what
are the expected evolutions to OI?

I've posted some pull request to the main GitHub account, but does anyone
maintains this account ?
I've seen multiple patch posted on this list, but not as pull request on
OI. So, what's the expected way to send patches ?

I've finally took time to solve some single-thread issue (posted in the
Github issue tracker), and I'll probably start solving the multithread
issue soon, but will they get integrated somehow ?

The more we organize the better it'll be for any potential maintainer,
don't you think ?

Also, concerning documentation, I found this page to be very very helpful,
and I think we should ask the author to save it in the OI main page:

Best regards,
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