Moving mail from-to folder hang Offlineimap ( Double IMAP repository )

Sistemi Windstyle sistemi at
Mon Oct 7 08:44:02 BST 2013

I'm over new implementation of offlineimap with 2 IMAP server to be synced
bidirectional by using the local with thunderbirth, and remote with webmail.
This means that contents can be added, moved and deleted on any side of the
All works fine on syncing, but when i move a message from a folder to
another ( or trash a message ), i get offlineimap error and continue to
duplicate the message before manualy delete ( purge ) over the 2 side the
moved message.
I attach an "offlineimap --info" and a dump of error.
Please help me.
Best regards.

Windstyle di Molinari Giulio - Consulenza sistemistica

Via Paolo VI, 4 25032 Chiari ( BS )

Tel: +393290207446 Fax: +390307101055

Le informazioni contenute in questo messaggio sono riservate e
confidenziali. Il loro utilizzo e' consentito esclusivamente al
destinatario del messaggio, per le finalità indicate nel messaggio stesso.
Qualora Lei non fosse la persona a cui il presente messaggio è destinato,
La invitiamo ad eliminarlo dal Suo Sistema ed a distruggere le varie copie
o stampe, dandocene gentilmente comunicazione.
Ogni utilizzo improprio e' contrario ai principi del D.lgs 196/03 e alla
legislazione europea (Direttiva 2002/58/CE).
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$ offlineimap --info
OfflineIMAP 6.5.5
  Licensed under the GNU GPL v2+ (v2 or any later version)
Remote repository 'QMWG.postmaster': type 'IMAP'
Host: Port: None SSL: 0
Establishing connection to
Server welcome string: * OK
Server capabilities: ('IMAP4', 'IMAP4REV1', 'CHILDREN', 'IDLE', 'QUOTA', 'SORT', 'ACL', 'NAMESPACE', 'RIGHTS=TEXK')

 Posta eliminata
 Posta inviata

Local repository 'hmail.postmaster': type 'MappedIMAP'
Host: Port: None SSL: 0
Establishing connection to
Server welcome string: * OK IMAPrev1
Server capabilities: ('IMAP4', 'IMAP4REV1', 'CHILDREN', 'IDLE', 'QUOTA', 'SORT', 'ACL', 'NAMESPACE', 'RIGHTS=TEXK')

 Posta eliminata
 Posta inviata


OfflineIMAP 6.5.5
  Licensed under the GNU GPL v2+ (v2 or any later version)
Account sync postmaster:
 *** Processing account postmaster
 Establishing connection to
 Establishing connection to
Folder INBOX [acc: postmaster]:
 Syncing INBOX: IMAP -> MappedIMAP
Folder Posta eliminata [acc: postmaster]:
 Syncing Posta eliminata: IMAP -> MappedIMAP
Folder INBOX [acc: postmaster]:
 Copy message 8 (1 of 1) QMWG.postmaster:INBOX -> hmail.postmaster
Folder Posta inviata [acc: postmaster]:
 Syncing Posta inviata: IMAP -> MappedIMAP
Copy message from QMWG.postmaster:INBOX:
 Can't parse FETCH response, can't find UID: %s
 ERROR: Copying message 8 [acc: postmaster]
  Backend could not find uid for message, returned 0
Folder INBOX [acc: postmaster]:
 Copy message -2 (1 of 3) hmail.postmaster:INBOX -> QMWG.postmaster
 Copy message -1 (2 of 3) hmail.postmaster:INBOX -> QMWG.postmaster
 Copy message -3 (3 of 3) hmail.postmaster:INBOX -> QMWG.postmaster
Thread 'Copy message from QMWG.postmaster:INBOX' terminated with exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/offlineimap/", line 158, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 504, in run
    self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/offlineimap/folder/", line 358, in copymessageto
    new_uid = dstfolder.savemessage(uid, message, flags, rtime)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/offlineimap/folder/", line 207, in savemessage
    "%s" % newluid)
ValueError: Backend could not find uid for message, returned 0

Last 15 debug messages logged for Copy message from QMWG.postmaster:INBOX prior to exception:
imap: Write mail 'INBOX:8' with flags set(['S'])
imap: Write mail 'INBOX:-1' with flags set(['S'])
imap: savemessage: header is: X-OfflineIMAP: 3523421607-7593565418
imap: savemessage_addheader: called to add X-OfflineIMAP: 3523421607-7593565418
imap: savemessage_addheader: insertionpoint = 520
imap: savemessage_addheader: leader = 'Return-Path: postmaster at\r\nDelivered-To: postmaster at\r\nReceived: from ( [])\r\n\tby\r\n\t; Mon, 7 Oct 2013 09:01:28 +0200\r\nMIME-Version: 1.0\r\nDate: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 09:01:28 +0200\r\nFrom: postmaster at\r\nTo: <postmaster at>\r\nSubject: Invio da QMWG\r\nMessage-ID: <b0347cb052d984d4a6a3299558bcb812 at>\r\nX-Sender: postmaster at\r\nUser-Agent: Roundcube Webmail/0.8.5\r\nX-OfflineIMAP: 4228421602-7864641391\r\nX-OfflineIMAP: 1408054639-6742045225'
imap: savemessage_addheader: newline = '\r\nX-OfflineIMAP: 3523421607-7593565418'
imap: savemessage_addheader: trailer = '\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n'
imap: savemessage: date: "07-Oct-2013 09:01:28 +0100", content: 'Return-Path: postmaster at
Delivered-To: postmaster at
Received: from ( [])
        by mxsrv1.qm...25
X-OfflineIMAP: 3523421607-7593565418

imap: savemessage_searchforheader called for X-OfflineIMAP: 3523421607-7593565418
imap: savemessage_searchforheader got initial matchinguids: ''
imap: savemessage_searchforheader: UID SEARCH for message with header X-OfflineIMAP yielded no results
imap: savemessage: attempt to get new UID UID failed. Search headers manually.
imap: savemessage_fetchheaders called for X-OfflineIMAP: 3523421607-7593565418
imap: savemessage: returning new UID 0
ERROR: Exceptions occurred during the run!
ERROR: Copying message 8 [acc: postmaster]
  Backend could not find uid for message, returned 0

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/offlineimap/folder/", line 358, in copymessageto
    new_uid = dstfolder.savemessage(uid, message, flags, rtime)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/offlineimap/folder/", line 207, in savemessage
    "%s" % newluid)

Exception in thread reader (most likely raised during interpreter shutdown):

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