Problem with spaces, backslashes, etc in folder names (Lotus Domino)

Niccolo Rigacci niccolo at
Thu Oct 17 09:26:28 BST 2013

Hi to all,

I'm wondering if I have hitted a bug or just a misconfiguration 
of offlineimap.

I'm using OfflineIMAP 6.5.5-rc3, the error message is:

 ERROR: getfolder() asked for a nonexisting folder '.DONALD/ Yarn 
 ['  File 
line 241, in syncrunner\n    self.sync()\n', '  File 
line 320, in sync\n    localfolder = 
self.get_local_folder(remotefolder)\n', '  File 
line 269, in get_local_folder\n    
replace(self.remoterepos.getsep(), self.localrepos.getsep()))\n', 
'  File 
line 134, in getfolder\n    OfflineImapError.ERROR.FOLDER)\n']
 *** Finished account 'Test' in 0:01
 ERROR: Exceptions occurred during the run!
 ERROR: getfolder() asked for a nonexisting folder '.DONALD/ Yarn 

I suppose there is a problem with the name
"DONALD/ Yarn resource" which is listed by IMAP as:

* LIST () "\\" Bozze
* LIST () "\\" "DONALD/ Yarn resource"

When importing into local Maildir the program gets fooled and it 
creates a Maildir "DONALD" with a nested Maildir
" Yarn resource"

Is there a way to keep the slash "/" as a literal character in 
local Maildir (GNU/Linux) or to convert it into another char, 
instead of using it as subdir separator?

Locally we use just one level for subfolders, sub-subfolders are 
instead created as ".subdir1_name.subdir2_name".

Here it is the offlineimap --info output:

OfflineIMAP 6.5.5-rc3
  Licensed under the GNU GPL v2+ (v2 or any later version)
Remote repository 'Remote': type 'IMAP'
Host: mail.******.it Port: None SSL: 0
Establishing connection to mail.******.it:143
Server welcome string: * OK Domino IMAP4 Server Release 5.0.13a   
ready Thu, 17 Oct 2013 10:19:42 +0200
Server capabilities: ('IMAP4REV1', 'AUTH=LOGIN', 'AUTH-LOGIN', 

folderfilter= lambda foldername: foldername not in ['']

nametrans= lambda foldername: '.' + foldername

 DONALD/ Yarn resource -> .DONALD/ Yarn resource

Local repository 'Local': type 'Maildir'
nametrans= lambda foldername: re.sub('^\.*', '', foldername)

 (The "DONALD/ Yarn resource" folder does not appear)
 (The "DONALD" folder does not appear)
 (The " Yarn resource" subfolder does not appear)

Niccolo Rigacci -
Campi Bisenzio - Firenze - Italy
Tel. Office: +39-055-9331021, Mobile: +39-327-5619352

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