Unable to open Database

Olivier Calzi ocalzi at voxbone.com
Mon Aug 18 16:10:55 BST 2014

Hello Offline Imap Team,

I was using offline imap as a migration tools between imap server and for
some i have  a traceback and i'm not able to figure what i could do to fix

unable to open database file
ERROR: ERROR in syncfolder for TOTO folder
[TOTO].INBOX.Administration.TOTO: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/offlineimap/accounts.py",
line 395, in syncfolder
line 89, in getfolder
    folder = self.LocalStatusFolderClass(foldername, self)
line 65, in __init__
line 115, in upgrade_db
    check_same_thread = False)
OperationalError: unable to open database file

As this mail account is very huge i was thinking that maybe the limit of
this db was reach.

Thanks for any advice or help.

 Olivier Calzi
 DevOps Linux  @ Voxbone SA

 Dir: +32 2 588 31 49 | Mobile: +32 498 817 703
 email|xmpp: ocalzi at voxbone.com
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