Getting an error when trying to sync Drafts

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at
Mon Jan 6 16:18:46 GMT 2014

On Sun, May 05, 2013 at 10:52:58PM -0400, Trey Sizemore wrote:
> I have begun using offllineimap today with my mail account.
> However, when performing a sync between local folders and remote, I'm
> getting the following error:
> OfflineIMAP 6.5.4


> ERROR: Creating folder Drafts on repository Fastmail_Remote
>   Folder 'Drafts'[Fastmail_Remote] could not be created. Server
>   responded: ('NO', ['Permission denied'])
> ERROR: Folder 'Drafts'[Fastmail_Remote] could not be created. Server
> responded: ('NO', ['Permission denied'])


> I have my mail setup locally in my home folder at ~/.mail/fastmail/

If remote IMAP does not allow writing to some folder, you can't do
anything but rewrite the muttrc to use a custom folder for the purpose.

> and the following in my .muttrc (which is likely wrong.  I realize it's
> not consistent and looking for guidance):

Can't answer about mutt configuration, sorry.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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