Bug with exit codes?

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Mon Jan 6 16:21:41 GMT 2014

On Thu, May 09, 2013 at 11:12:30AM +0100, Andrew Ferrier wrote:
>    If I run an offlineimap invocation where a cert_fingerprint is not set
>    for a server I'm connecting to with SSL, I (rightly) see this:
>    ERROR: Server SSL fingerprint 'XXX' for hostname YYY.com' does not
>    match configured fingerprint. Please verify and set 'cert_fingerprint'
>    accordingly if not set yet.
>    However, the exit code from offlineimap is still 0, which makes this
>    condition more difficult to detect as part of a script. In my case, the
>    UI being used is 'basic', so that I can log the output, which makes the
>    error harder to spot amongst the other output. If I set it to 'quiet',
>    I just get the error message, but not the rest of the log.
>    I think this is probably a bug - offlineimap should be setting a
>    non-zero exit code in this case?

I think so. If no patch for this issue was applied, patches are welcome
or at least fill an issue to the bug tracker.


Nicolas Sebrecht

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