Error when trying to sync flags of locally deleted messages to Gmail folder

David Guyot david.guyot at
Fri Jan 24 08:17:39 GMT 2014


Merci de ta réponse! Ça fonctionne, maintenant.

Néanmoins, j'ai un doute : d'après ce que j'ai lu sur cette option, j'ai
compris que supprimer ainsi les mails amenait Gmail à les supprimer du dossier
originel, mais à les conserver dans Tous les messages. Ai-je bien compris ou
ces messages sont-ils bel et bien supprimés comme demandé?

Merci d'avance.




Thanks for your answer! It works, now.

Nevertheless, I still have a doubt : from what I read concerning this option, I
understood that deleting messages this way makes Gmail deleting them from the 
source folder, but keeping them in All mail. Did I understand it right or are
these messages really deleted as required?

Thank you in advance


Le jeudi 23 janvier 2014 à 17:18:26 +0100, Nicolas Sebrecht a écrit:
> On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 11:53:24AM +0100, David Guyot wrote:
> > Hello, there.
> > 
> > I'm trying to delete messages from my mailer daemon Gmail folder, but, wheneveri
> > I try, OfflineIMAP fails to sync and tells me this :
> > 
> > Deleting 1 messages (48707) in Gmail[[Gmail]/Mailer daemon]
> > WARNING: ERROR attempting to sync flags for account David:Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/offlineimap/folder/", line 421, in syncmessagesto
> >     action(dstfolder, statusfolder)
> >   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/offlineimap/folder/", line 337, in syncmessagesto_delete
> >     folder.deletemessages(deletelist)
> >   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/offlineimap/folder/", line 594, in deletemessages
> >     self.deletemessages_noconvert(uidlist)
> >   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/offlineimap/folder/", line 61, in deletemessages_noconvert
> >     "Bad IMAPlib result: %s" % result[0]
> > AssertionError: Bad IMAPlib result: NO
> <...>
> > [Repository Remote]
> > maxconnections = 3
> > type = Gmail
> > remoteuser = david.guyot at
> > remotepass = ***********
> > realdelete = yes
> Do you still get errors without this option?
> -- 
> Nicolas Sebrecht

David Guyot
Administrateur système, réseau et télécommunications
Europe Camions Interactive / Stockway
Moulin Collot
F-88500 Ambacourt
Tel: +33 (0)3 29 30 47 85
Fax : +33 (0)3 29 31 31 31
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