Getting Mails from the client?

Isaac Bennetch bennetch at
Tue Nov 18 17:06:24 UTC 2014


On 11/18/14, 10:12 AM, Kay wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have a special question. Is it possible to get mails from the client?
> The setup looks like this.
> iPhone with a configured IMAP Mail Server and Mails local. The IMAP Mail
> Server is now gone forever. But the Mails remain on the iPhone. Now I
> want to setup an OfflineIMAP Server to say to the iPhone Mail client:
> Give me all your mails that you have locally. Is that possible? 
> I did read the IMAP RFC and it seems the command "APPEND" or "COPY"
> should be able to do that. Or I`m wrong?
> Any help would be appreciated. 

There are a few things I can try to help you out here, but in short the
answer is that OfflineIMAP isn't going to help.

OfflineIMAP isn't a mail server -- it acts as a client and connects to
an IMAP server.

If you were to configure an IMAP server (Dovecot, Courier, Zimbra, and
more), you could configure your iPhone to connect to it -- but then you
need to move the messages from your phone to the new server. You can do
that by tapping "Edit" and then selecting them all (one by one), and
using the Move button to migrate the mail to your new server.

That's probably the best solution for you in this case.

Good luck,

> greetings 
> Kay
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