OfflineIMAP-project Digest, Vol 67, Issue 3

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at
Tue Apr 7 17:56:43 BST 2015

On 2015-04-06 12:38, Nicolas Sebrecht <nicolas.s-dev at> writes:

> I should have requested your versions of OfflineIMAP.

Sorry, I did not understand: as I said in my first email, the problem
seems to be independent of offlineimap, it happens when gnus expires
mail between to dovecot instances (using IMAP).

But just in case, I'm using OfflineIMAP 6.5.6.

>> dovecot is indeed reading directly from maildir, using a very simple
>> configuration:
> Anyway, I think we won't support such configuration anymore because we
> are bypassing Dovecot's IMAP agent.
> I would encourage you to move to a IMAP/IMAP setup.
> Feeding directly Dovecot database (Maildir) was supported by John as a
> hackish and crappy way to update Dovecot. It is the historical way of
> doing it because IMAP/IMAP was not supported at that time. Now that we
> have IMAP/IMAP supported for years, direct feeding should be avoided.

I think I'm doing the IMAP/IMAP thing already:

#+begin_src conf
[Account zimbra]
localrepository = LocalIMAP
remoterepository = RemoteIMAP
status_backend = sqlite
autorefresh = 5
postsynchook = ~/bin/

[Repository LocalIMAP]
type = IMAP
preauthtunnel = ~/bin/dovecot_bin/imap -c ~/.dovecotzimbra.rc

[Repository RemoteIMAP]
type = IMAP
remotehost = zimbra.*******
remoteuser = *********
remotepasseval = get_keychain_pass(account="********", server="zimbra.*******")
ssl = yes

Is this the way to go?



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