Problem syncing from Yahoo! to Zarafa IMAP

Matthew T. Gibbs matt at
Sun Jan 4 02:55:49 GMT 2015

On Wednesday, December 31, 2014 16:48:23 Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 31, 2014 at 12:10:44AM -0600, Matthew T. Gibbs wrote:
> <...>
> > I have tried searching for this or similar problems to no avail.  I'm not
> > sure how to approach debugging the problem; any help would be
> > appreciated.
> Try with -d option to get more usefull informations on what is
> happening.

Hi Nicolas-

Thank you for replying.  I ran offlineimap with the -d ALL option but I'm not 
sure what I'm looking for.  I didn't see anything apparent that was an error.  
I've attached part of the log, with usernames/passwords omitted, with a 
message that is copied from Yahoo to Zarafa.  As far as I can tell, all of the 
messaged copied show up in Zarafa with the correct header information missing.

Thank you,

-------------- next part --------------
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