OSX sslcacertfile and GMail (Basic help)

Lucien Pullen drurowin at gmail.com
Sun May 17 08:13:26 UTC 2015

Also sprach M. Henry Linder on 2015-05-16:
> I’m on OS X, with offlineimap and openssl installed through homebrew. I can’t for the life of me
> find a CA certfile or PEM file that Gmail will accept. It seems that I may need to generate a
> certfile from the keychain; how might I do that?

I only use the keychain to store the password.  For the certificate, I'm
using cert.pem from MacPorts' curl-ca-bundle package.

>From the Homebrew commit history
they seem to have deprecated curl-ca-bundle in favor of a certificate
file generated from the keychain, though, since I don't use Homebrew, I
don't know if there's a One Big PEM option still.

Have you tried leaving off the sslcacertfile option and seeing if
offlineimap calls openssl to just do The Right Thing, since Gmail only
accepts connections over SSL?

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