OSX sslcacertfile and GMail (Basic help)

M. Henry Linder mhlinder at gmail.com
Sun May 17 14:39:36 UTC 2015


Thanks for the response. OpenSSL wasn’t doing The Right Thing, and a variety of other fixes weren’t working either—various certs downloaded offline, etc.

What ended up working was just dumping all the Keychain System Roots certs to a PEM file (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24675167/ca-certificates-mac-os-x <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24675167/ca-certificates-mac-os-x>), which feels a bit hacky but at least works

Thanks for the help again.


> On May 17, 2015, at 4:13 AM, Lucien Pullen <drurowin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Also sprach M. Henry Linder on 2015-05-16:
>> I’m on OS X, with offlineimap and openssl installed through homebrew. I can’t for the life of me
>> find a CA certfile or PEM file that Gmail will accept. It seems that I may need to generate a
>> certfile from the keychain; how might I do that?
> I only use the keychain to store the password.  For the certificate, I'm
> using cert.pem from MacPorts' curl-ca-bundle package.
> From the Homebrew commit history
> <https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/commit/ab926db10c47352b38e114d0945ac1c0596eef74>
> they seem to have deprecated curl-ca-bundle in favor of a certificate
> file generated from the keychain, though, since I don't use Homebrew, I
> don't know if there's a One Big PEM option still.
> Have you tried leaving off the sslcacertfile option and seeing if
> offlineimap calls openssl to just do The Right Thing, since Gmail only
> accepts connections over SSL?
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