[ANNOUNCE] OfflineIMAP v6.6.0-rc2 released

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Thu Oct 15 04:00:13 BST 2015

OfflineIMAP v6.6.0-rc2 is out.


Interesting job was done in this release with 3 new features:

- Support for XOAUTH2;
- New 'tls_level' configuration option to automatically discard insecure SSL protocols;
- New interface 'syslog' comes in, next to the -s CLI option. This allows better
  integration with systemd.

I won't merge big changes until the stable is out. IOW, you can seriously start
testing this rc2.

As explained in the README, I'm currently putting all my efforts into imapfw.
Hence, I plan to do the "minimal" maintenance work for OfflineIMAP. Experimented
users are very welcome to help others since I'll be afk for this kind of topic.
At github, I've marked issues I won't work on with the new "need contributor"
tag. A pending topic needs love in the pull requests so a maintainer can merge.

# Features

- Add a new syslog ui.
- Introduce the 'tls_level' configuration option.
- Learn XOAUTH2 authentication (used by Gmail servers).
- Manual IDLE section improved (minor).

# Fixes

- Configuration option utime_from_header handles out-of-bounds dates.
- offlineimap.conf: fix erroneous assumption about ssl23.
- Fix status code to reflect success or failure of a sync.
- contrib/release.sh: fix changelog edition.

# Changes

- Bump imaplib2 from v2.48 to v2.51.
- README: new section status and future.
- Minor code cleanups.
- Makefile: improve building of targz.
- systemd: log to syslog rather than stderr for better integration.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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