merging two imap accounts

nanooq at nanooq at
Tue Feb 16 16:47:08 GMT 2016

Hello to all,

how do I merge two different IMAP accounts of the same e-mail (as in: I 
switched hosts and redirected my domain name)?

The difference is that IMAP-account (1) on hoster A stopped getting new 
mails by the end of January and a new IMAP-Account (2) was opened on 
hoster B on the first of February. They were both managing emails for 
the same address, therefore I wonder, how to merge the old one into the 
new one.
Without running into an UID validity problem. That's what I get, when 
switching .offlineimaprc from one account to the other.

I am looking forward to your answer.

Thank you in advance,


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