<DKIM> GSoC application

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Tue Mar 1 01:38:23 UTC 2016

On Tue, Mar 01, 2016 at 01:01:02AM +0000, Santiago Ferreira wrote:

>    Hello everybody, I'm Santiago from Tacuarembo,Uruguay.
>    I decided to start an application to the GSoC, I just installed
>    offlineimap on my Gentoo box

You're welcome.

>                         also I need to read the sample configuration, but
>    In a quick view also read about CA cert, and read about that
>    offlineimap doesn't check ssl server certificate,

Where did you read this? What version did you install? How?

>                                                      so to be more careful
>    I gonna try to download the source of imapfw
>    I saw that it's not present yet in the portage tree, so I have work to
>    do if I'm selected. :)

AFAIK, imapfw is not packaged to any distribution. It's normal and
expected at this stage. Distributions want working tools. :-)

Nicolas Sebrecht

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