<DKIM> [GSoC]Getting Started and Contributing

Om Prakash omprakash070 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 3 13:59:01 UTC 2016


>> What do you mean "behind a proxy server"? If you mean an http proxy, then
> that

would not be enough. You need to use a proper gateway to the internet, not
> just

a server forwarding http traffic on port 80 to the internet.​
The proxy, that was provided to me for use is: ; port:3128 ; port:3128

I think it is Http proxy as per this document <https://5socks.net/en_21.htm>

​From which operating system are you attempting this? I assume some linux?

I am attempting this from Ubuntu 14.04.

​​Check if you can ping or telnet imap.gmail.com. It looks like you will
> not. If

so, you will need to figure out how to fix your network.
> ​​

> ​Ping would not prove 993 is reachable, only that the route is correct
> ​ ​
> both ways. And no ping would prove nothing because it might be forbiden

at some node. :-)

> With telnet, the full command must be:

>   $ telnet imap.gmail.com 993​

Here's the response I got after doing telnet imap.gmail.com on port 993

om at om-virtual-machine:~$ telnet imap.gmail.com 993
Trying 2404:6800:4003:c02::6c...
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Network is unreachable

I tried 'ping imap.gmail.com 993' but terminal kept showing this for ever.

PING 993 ( 56(124) bytes of data.

yes, port 993 seems to be blocked. I will talk to system manager at my
university. Meanwhile, I am going through offlineimap codebase. I will get
back to you with some solution/alternative, so that I could contribute to
imapfw :-)

>> > Do you have Unix/Linux at home, BTW?

Sorry if this sounds intrusive. I meant, will you have access to a

computer up to the end of the GSoC?​

I stay in hostel at university campus and own a laptop PC. I use ubuntu
14.04 for development purpose on VMware. So obviously, I will have access
to computer not only up to end of GSoC but also after it  :)

*Thanks and Regards,*

Om Prakash Kumar

On 3 March 2016 at 14:33, Nicolas Sebrecht <nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net>

> On Thu, Mar 03, 2016 at 09:51:04AM +0100, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
> > Do you have Unix/Linux at home, BTW?
> Sorry if this sounds intrusive. I meant, will you have access to a
> computer up to the end of the GSoC?
> --
> Nicolas Sebrecht
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