<DKIM> [GSoC]Getting Started and Contributing

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Thu Mar 3 17:26:26 UTC 2016

On Thu, Mar 03, 2016 at 07:29:01PM +0530, Om Prakash wrote:

>    Here's the response I got after doing telnet [4]imap.gmail.com on port 993
>    om at om-virtual-machine:~$ telnet [5]imap.gmail.com 993
>    Trying
>    Trying
>    Trying 2404:6800:4003:c02::6c...
>    telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Network is unreachable
>    I tried 'ping [6]imap.gmail.com 993' but terminal kept showing this for
>    ever.
>    PING 993 ( 56(124) bytes of data.
>    yes, port 993 seems to be blocked. I will talk to system manager at my
>    university. Meanwhile, I am going through offlineimap codebase. I will get
>    back to you with some solution/alternative, so that I could contribute to
>    imapfw :-)

So, it is blocked for sure. However, you could install an IMAP server in
your VM. I myself have Dovecot installed locally so it's easier and
faster to play with IMAP. ,-)

I would highly encourage you to do so. There's no need to access Gmail.
I'd even say that starting with it is not the best since they don't
comply well to the RFCs...

IOW, setting up a local IMAP server is seriously a best. Dovecot is a
good choice because it's open source, known to work well and RFCs
compliant, and because I'd bet it's already packaged in your
distribution so that installing it should be easy, actually.

>    I stay in hostel at university campus and own a laptop PC. I use ubuntu
>    14.04 for development purpose on VMware. So obviously, I will have access
>    to computer not only up to end of GSoC but also after it  :)


Also, I've enabled a gitter chat room at


for both easier instant messaging (while still providing good delayed
communication because logs are persistent). Also, I like it for other
reasons: easy to use, github intergration, markdown support and other
fancy tricks I use.

Please, use this chat for anything not directly related to
imapfw/offlineimap. It's best to avoid annoying mailing list members for
personal assistance within the frame of the GSoC. ,-)

Community members interested to follow us are welcome to join!


Nicolas Sebrecht

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