Speedup sync - Issue when network disconnectivity

Norbert Preining preining at logic.at
Wed Oct 12 02:21:45 BST 2016

Hi BenoƮt,

> I made intensive test and it seems that IDLE is not my friend !

I agree with you. I have tried it for quite some time and have
given up on it. What I do now is having a cron job running
every 3 minutes checking for the main inboxes, and on a much longer
time scale all mailboxes (takes too much time). The idea is basically
from https://dev.gentoo.org/~tomka/mail.html with some slight
(and not so slight) adaptions.

Especially suspend/resume cycles kill idle/offlineimap, but I suspend
my laptop soo many times that it is not feasible.

All the best


PREINING Norbert + TeX Live & Debian Developer + http://www.preining.info
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