Is it safe to start two offline instances?

Pétùr peturvilj at
Sun Nov 5 20:36:49 GMT 2017


I am a new user of offlineimap and so far, so good!

I have a quick question: I use the autorefresh setting and it works
well, but sometimes, I just want to check my emails without waiting
for the autorefresh to be trigerred.

Is it safe if I launch a second offlineimap instance? It could occur
as the same time than the first one if I check my email exactly when
the autorefresh is triggered.

If it is safe, how can you would do it? I can obviously start a
terminal ("xfce4-terminal -e "offlineimap -o") but I don't want to see
a terminal window appears.

I guess power users of offlineimap as a proper solution for temporary
emails check.


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