<DKIM> UID for syncing messages

J. Tull heavytull at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 3 19:55:15 BST 2018

On +0200, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 09:51:52AM +0000, Jethro Tull wrote:
> >    is there any reason it doesn't use the "Message-ID" in the email header?
> Yes, this header is not reliable enough. It's not so rare to have more
> than one email for one Message-ID.
> >    would it be possible to add this feature?
> As an option, yes. I don't intend to implement this feature myself,
> though.  Patches are welcome.
> -- 
> Nicolas Sebrecht

ok... do you have an idea of the weight of the work of adding this feature. I
have never looked into the code of offlineimap but i could still try. Anyway,
i'm still surprised that neither offlineimap nor mbsync have this feature
while mutt uses it by default. I asked in mbsync mailing list the same
feature and they replied the same as you, i.e. not planned and patches

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