command LIST illegal in state NONAUTH, only allowed in states AUTH, SELECTED

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at
Sun Jan 19 00:54:17 GMT 2020

On Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 06:59:07PM -0800, Marc MERLIN wrote:

> I'm on debian:
> offlineimap is already the newest version (7.2.3+dfsg1-1).
> On the server (also debian):
> courier-imap is already the newest version (5.0.6+1.0.6-1).
> I have offlineimap configured like this:
> preauthtunnel = ssh -p443 -x -q 'sleep 1; IMAP_IDLE_TIMEOUT=20 IMAP_CAPABILITY="IMAP4rev1 UIDPLUS CHILDREN NAMESPACE THREAD=REFERENCES SORT QUOTA IDLE" /usr/bin/imapd ./Maildir'
> Any idea where I should go from here besides restarting offlineimap
> multiple times until it works?

It looks like offlineimap releases IMAP commands while in the incorrect
IMAP state. However, it's hard to say if this comes from offlineimap or
the server. I'm not aware of other users having this issue with
offlineimap. OTOH I would not be surprised if that's the offlineimap

I think this issue could come from IDLE or something which logout the
client while the client still thinks it is authenticated.

I would first try without IDLE or by increasing the IMAP_IDLE_TIMEOUT a
lot to check this.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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