"Seen" tag not getting synchronized

Arjun Krishnan arjunkc at gmail.com
Sun Jul 26 20:05:32 BST 2020

Hmmm, I never use the app on my phone, but I do have the basic "Android
Mail" app on lineageos. I think this might be a fork of K-9 mail.

I'll try deleting this app and see what happens.


On Sun, Jul 26, 2020 at 3:01 PM Tomas Nordin <tomasn at posteo.net> wrote:

> Hello Arjun
> Arjun <arjunkc at gmail.com> writes:
> > Hi
> >
> > I have offlineimap syncing a gmail repository that I then use notmuch
> on. Lately,
> > offlineimap has been deleting the S (Seen) flags from my gmail maildir
> once I change them on the maildir file using notmuch. I am running
> offlineimap 7.3.3.
> Are you sure it is offlineimap doing this? Do you happen to have some
> not latest version of K9 mail app on you phone syncing with the same
> server. I have seen the problem you describe and sort of concluded it
> had to do with the K9 mail app on my phone.
> https://github.com/k9mail/k-9/issues/1454
> --
> Tomas
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