Problems setting up imapfilter and to make it easier for the consumer

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at
Tue Oct 26 01:33:35 BST 2021

On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 12:07:03AM +0200, Tom wrote:

>    How do you know ? (I am sorry, i do marketing and my guess is that this is
>    just an assumption.)


>    My Usecase is very different from what you expect the usecase to be (i
>    imagine).

I'm not surprised. I've seen so many reports with unexpected use cases
over time.

>    As i said, i do work with linux/bsd quite long, googling around i found an
>    article from 2011
>    and have seen that offlineimap is still in development. So i decided to
>    try it.
>    So many good tools are hidden behind obscure use cases and abstract
>    expectations.

The path used to come to the tool can be surprising, too. :-)

>    Your tool rules them all, because with a little bit of tweaking on the
>    docs. Everybody can use it.
>    And that's the goal, isn't it ?

Of course. One of the hard thing for maintainers is that when you know
the tool you're far from seeing every little steps newcomers have to
solve because knowledge vary from one to another. And use cases, too.

That's why I've written this page:

>    I would be happy to help out and provide you with a proper "getting
>    started" section and i could
>    even do some YT Vids to make it all fit.

Offlineimap is like any other open source project. It evolves at the
rythm of contributions and feedbacks. Feel free to send patches or
contribute the way you'd like.

>    The Usacase i described is by far the most common one, because if you
>    "mirror" your account or how
>    many accounts you have, you have the data, which is more important than
>    everything else.

You're correct.

>    Having the data save, backuped and stored, that easily is my most
>    important goal.
>    And if i wish to put it back, use further, what else there is, is just
>    another topic, which also
>    is not so hard to explain in the docs.

I've started this doc, years ago:

It's not finished. The goal was to cover the most common use cases about
how to backup emails.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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