[OpenPGP-applet-devel] OpenPGP-Applet

Clément Hermann nodens at nodens.org
Mon Oct 9 15:17:01 UTC 2017

On 09/10/2017 15:55, thudoox wrote:

> Unfortunately, if i select or copy PGP messages i don't see any activity
> on the notification tray,
> gnome-panel, etc. I use a single gnome-panel on top of the screen.

You should have the notification tray on the bottom left of the screen
as well. It's hidden by default, just put your pointer on the bottom
left corner and it should show. If the applet is running (you can also
run it from the menu, but console is fine), you should have OpenPGP
applet icon there, whatever the data in the clipboard is. The icon will
change after putting some GPG text in the clipboard for instance.

(Just checked it on a clean profile to be sure).

> Another extensions, like weather,
> currency rate are working good.
> I tried to install gnome-shell-extension-top-icons-plus, but it didn't
> help me.
It probably needs to be activated (I don't use it). You can do it ib
https://extensions.gnome.org/local, or using gnome-tweak-tool.



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