[Openstack-devel] Status of the Folsom packaging in debian

Mehdi Abaakouk sileht at sileht.net
Mon Sep 24 16:13:24 UTC 2012

Hi maintainers,
I have recently started to work on the folsom packaging.

Globally, I have merged the most recent version of each compoment and 
I have updated the dependancies with the help of the packages from
the Openstack testing PPA of ubuntu and I have taken some fixes from 
ubuntu when it was needed.

** The most important things to know about folsom packages:

Some packages now rely on git to build the source tarball:

When upstream issue "python setup.py sdist" to build the tarball for
distribution, some files are generated with git now (AUTHORS, Changelog, and 
<project>/versioninfo) and the <package>.egg-info/SOURCES.txt are filled
with a new build compoment (python-setuptools_git, it use git ls-files
to get the files list).

Then, with the tarball distributed by upstream, if you extract the tarball and 
remove *.egginfo and recreate it with "python setup.py sdist", no error
occur, but the new generated tarball is different from the upstream one... 
because the .git directory is missing and <package>.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
looks (very) differente.

We have the same issue when we merge the upstream source directly in our 
source tree with git. The git tree don't contain <package>.egg-info/
directory, and when we issue "git archive --prefix=$i-2012.2~rc1/
folsom-rc1", it results to a tarball which it can't rebuilt the 
<package>.egg-info/SOURCES.txt correctly.

I have actually implemented the following workaround:
- I create the file <project>/versioninfo with the version from the
  debian/changelog file on built time.
- I have added a patch install-missing-files.patch which fills the
  MANIFEST.IN file with all the files which need to be installed (excepted
  the python ones)
- I have added a rule "regen-manifest-patch" in debian/rule to regenerate 
  the patch easily.
- I don't install AUTHORS and Changelog files anymore.

Other solutions can be: 
- don't use "git merge" to merge new upstream release 
  and use "git-import-orig" with the upstream tarball (but how to easyly merge
  snapshot, pick a commit and co with that ?)
- or git merge -X theirs <tag/branch>, python setup.py egg_info, git
  add/commit <package>.egginfo/, python setup.py sdist, cp
  dist/<package>.tar.gz ../ (With this method Changelog and Author
  include changes in the debian git tree :-/ )

** And now the packages status on debian/experimental branch in git

I have successfully setup nova/keystone/cinder/quantum/glance with these
following packages.

glance (2012.2~rc1-1) experimental
- Not yet finish
- The dbconfig need to be reworked because glance-api need to access
  to the database, the sql_connection field is present in the
  configuration file of glance-api now.
- 29/901 tests failed (seems real glance issues)

swift (1.7.2-1) experimental
- Ready to be reviewed and uploaded
- 1/941 tests failed, (it seems a swift issue)
- lintian is happy

cinder (2012.2~rc1+git1~6b31057-1) experimental
- Ready to be reviewed and uploaded
- I have added dbconfig stuff to configure the database
- All tests passed successfully
- lintian have 1 whishlist (missing translation) and 1 minor (short

horizon (2012.2~rc1-1) experimental
- Ready to be reviewed and uploaded
- lintian have 1 minor (short description) and 2 whislists
- debian/rules don't run tests

novnc (1:0.4+dfsg+1-5) experimental
- Ready to be reviewed and uploaded
- I have changed the upstream URL
- the nova parts of novnc is now included in the real upstream
- lintian not really happy but they are no important issue, all of there
  are in the previous version too

python-keystoneclient (1:0.1.3-1) experimental
- The version now follow upstream convention, then I have added a epoch
  for upgrade
- All tests are OK
- lintian have 1 minor (missing man page)

python-melangeclient (2012.2~e3-1) experimental
- Just merging tag folsom-3, not tested, no deps update, ...

python-novaclient (2:2.8.0-1) experimental
- Ready to be reviewed and uploaded
- The version now follow upstream convention, then I have added a epoch
- All tests are OK
- lintian have 1 minor (short description)

python-quantumclient (1:2.1-1) experimental
- Ready to be reviewed and uploaded
- The version now follow upstream convention, then I have added a epoch
- 2/77 tests failed

quantum (2012.2~rc1-1) experimental
- Ready to be reviewed and uploaded
- 10/1720 tests in errors (Seem to be tests not up to date)
- lintian have 2 minors (about descriptions and manpages)

nova (2012.2~rc1+git1-292a5e5-1) experimental
- Ready to be reviewed and uploaded
- Some errors during the documentation generation
- lintian have some whislist/minor about the manpages
- 27/3578 tests in errors (complains of missing libvirtd, perhaps a deps

keystone (2012.2~rc1-1) experimental
- Ready to be reviewed and uploaded
- lintian have some whislist/minor about the manpages
- All tests are OK

New packages handled by the openstack teams:

python-django-openstack-auth (1.0.1-1) experimental
- Ready to be reviewed and uploaded
- All tests are OK
- lintian have 2 minor (short description and manpage)

python-glanceclient (1:0.5.1-1) experimental
- Ready to be reviewed and uploaded
- All tests are OK
- lintian have 2 minor (short description and manpage)

python-swiftclient (1:1.1.1-1) experimental
- Ready to be reviewed and uploaded
- All tests are OK
- lintian have 2 minor (short description and manpage)

python-cinderclient (1:0.2-1) experimental
- Ready to be reviewed and uploaded
- All tests passed successfully
- lintian happy

New dependencies not yet in debian (Currently, I have rebuild the ubuntu
one on sid for my dev plateform):
- python-django-appconf
- python-django-compressor
- python-cliff
- python-setuptools-git

ITP or RFP is not created yet (excepted for setuptools-git

Mehdi Abaakouk
mail: sileht at sileht.net
irc: sileht
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