[parted-devel] Copyright assignment form for parted

Phil Susi psusi at ubuntu.com
Fri Oct 2 17:30:56 UTC 2015

On 10/1/2015 10:22 PM, Al Dunsmuir wrote:
>> Even blkid -p /dev/sda?  It should indicate ID_FS_USAGE...
> All that is returned for blkid -p /dev/sde is:
> /dev/sde: PTTYPE='mac'

/dev/sde1, not /dev/sde

> I suspect that the support for mac volumes is pretty nominal in many
> areas, with plenty of opportunity for improvements.
> What did you think would be returned?

I forget exactly what the tags were, but I'm pretty sure that there are
some that you get from a bios_grub partition that indicate this thing is
not a normal filesystem and you should not attempt to mount it.

> I  suspect that the correct approach with gparted is to have libparted
> report  the  Apple_partition_map  partition as PED_PARTITION_METADATA,
> not  PED_PARTITION_NORMAL.  That  alone  would  prevent  gparted  from
> offering the delete and reformat operatons. If gparted doesn't already
> suppress  displaying  metadata  partitions, I could change it to do so
> for metadata partitions on mac volumes.

I'm pretty sure gparted doesn't even see metadata partitions.  They are
kind of an internal tool of libparted.  It removes them when handing the
list of partitions to the client to print, and adds them just before
performing any modifications to the table.  They are basically used to
stop you from say, creating a partition on a GPT disk that starts on
sector 12, because that would overwrite part of the GPT itself.  They
are also used to claim the EBR sector for logical partitions on MBR.

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