perl-suid rdeps

Niko Tyni ntyni at
Sat Feb 12 09:09:53 UTC 2011

On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 10:39:16PM +0000, Dominic Hargreaves wrote:
> Only a few remaining:

Great! Did you check if there are any new ones in the archive? (I
expect not)

> kdelibs4c2a
> - #581946
> - no action on bug
> im
> - #581948
> - no action on bug
> backuppc
> - #581950
> - some discussion; used for CGI script

> I notice that the last bug is Severity: important with a usertag owned
> by debian-perl at Should we bump up the severity of the
> other two, and add the usertag?

IIRC I set the severity to important for those packages that depend on
perl-suid and to minor for those that recommend/suggest it.

> Should we use that usertag owner for all our stuff, or
> perl at or something else?

I think debian-perl is a good owner for the transition bugs; we can use
perl at for categorizing our own bugs but the transition
ones are interesting to other people too (mainly the release and the
pkg-perl teams)

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