[Piuparts-devel] retesting failed packages more often

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Sat Nov 19 14:46:27 UTC 2011

On 2011-11-19 09:27, Holger Levsen wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mittwoch, 16. November 2011, Dave Steele wrote:
>> texlive-base was another - it has passed on piatti in the last day or
>> so with a new release.
> yes, but because a new version was uploaded. I'm not convinced blindly 
> retesting more often really fixes more things, but will think about it. also, 
> testing 30000 packages takes between 1-3 weeks, so resting every 28 days wont 

But I was only talking about the failed packages - for sid that's 670 in
your setup and 550 in mine :-)


15:02 Running section sid
15:02 Connecting to localhost
15:02 Master didn't reserve anything (more) for us
15:02 Master status: successfully-tested=32285 failed-testing=552
cannot-be-tested=0 essential-required=63 waiting-to-be-tested=0
waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested=0 dependency-failed-testing=1445
dependency-cannot-be-tested=9 dependency-does-not-exist=112
circular-dependency=43 unknown=134 unknown-preferred-alternative=50
no-dependency-from-alternatives-exists=11 total=34704
15:02 Connection to master closed
15:02 -------------------------------------------
15:02 Running section sid-contrib
15:02 Connecting to localhost
15:02 Master didn't reserve anything (more) for us
15:02 Master status: successfully-tested=199 failed-testing=12
cannot-be-tested=0 essential-required=0 waiting-to-be-tested=0
waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested=0 dependency-failed-testing=10
dependency-cannot-be-tested=0 dependency-does-not-exist=5
circular-dependency=1 unknown=2 unknown-preferred-alternative=0
no-dependency-from-alternatives-exists=0 total=229
15:02 Connection to master closed
15:02 -------------------------------------------
15:02 Running section sid-non-free
15:02 Connecting to localhost
15:02 Master didn't reserve anything (more) for us
15:02 Master status: successfully-tested=435 failed-testing=17
cannot-be-tested=0 essential-required=0 waiting-to-be-tested=0
waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested=0 dependency-failed-testing=10
dependency-cannot-be-tested=2 dependency-does-not-exist=5
circular-dependency=3 unknown=3 unknown-preferred-alternative=0
no-dependency-from-alternatives-exists=2 total=477
15:02 Connection to master closed

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