[Piuparts-devel] using piuparts input for britney

Holger Levsen holger at layer-acht.org
Sat Jan 18 16:23:18 UTC 2014


On Samstag, 18. Januar 2014, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> if piuparts results are to be used for britney's testing migration
> decisions in the future, which tests and which architectures should be
> considered?

I'll let Ivo reply to this more relevantly (as he is a release team member...)
> sid
> sid --warn-on-leftovers-after-purge
> testing2sid --warn-on-leftovers-after-purge
> stable2testing --warn-on-leftovers-after-purge
> stable2sid --warn-on-leftovers-after-purge

I dont think failures on purge should be relevant for testing migration... (as 
I consider them to be pedantic...)

> The two architectures easily testable right now are i386 and amd64
> Having a big-endian one at some point in the future would be nice, too.


> Running i386 on amd64 may require using setarch for more reliable
> results, I had tested this long ago, patch should still be around.

Great! Let's merge it :)

> To increase the test matrix we could also consider --install-recommends


> And we may have to do more amd64 + foreign-arch i386 in the future.


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