[Piuparts-devel] Offer for help running piuparts.d.o / getting up to speed

Holger Levsen holger at layer-acht.org
Thu Jan 9 19:46:16 GMT 2020

Hi Nicolas,

apologies for the delay.

are you subscribed to this list?

On Thu, Jan 02, 2020 at 02:25:45PM +0100, Nicolas Dandrimont wrote:
> As mentioned in person to Holger during the meetup at 36C3, in front of too
> many witnesses to back out (:D), I'd like to offer my help to run the
> piuparts.d.o service.


Also: i'm retiring and will fill appropriate O: bugs for piuparts and
piuparts.debian.org ASAP. (still busy with year-change/post-36c3

> So, now that I'm back home, I guess this is my "hi" and "ping" message.

hola! :)

> I've been going through the piuparts and piuparts.d.o bugs pages, as well as
> trying to peruse the various FAQs and documentations referenced from
> piuparts.d.o and the wiki, but for instance I couldn't figure out the answer to
> the question "how would I go about rescheduling a test?". I've gotten lost
> poking around pejacevic, and that didn't help much either. Something about
> recycling logs looks like it might be the answer?

you can either delete logs, which will cause these packages to be
retried ASAP or recycle them, which will cause them to be retried when
there are free ressources. 

holger at pejacevic:~$ sudo -u piupartsm -i bash
piupartsm at pejacevic:/srv/piuparts.debian.org/home-master$ cd
piupartsm at pejacevic:~$ cd /srv/piuparts.debian.org/master/sid
piupartsm at pejacevic:/srv/piuparts.debian.org/master/sid$ for i in *log ; do touch ../recycle/$i ; done
piupartsm at pejacevic:/srv/piuparts.debian.org/master/sid$ cd ../affected/
piupartsm at pejacevic:/srv/piuparts.debian.org/master/affected$ for i in *log ; do touch ../recycle/$i ; done

is how to recycle packages in sid, failed and affected ones in this

Deleting log is just that.

(on the slaves logs are just temporarily stored when they are created
and before they are transmitted to pejacevic.)

> So, I'd appreciate if there were some more pointers about day-to-day
> operations, and if you could let me know what I should do to actually get on
> board.

if you could document the above somewhere in piuparts.git, that would be

usual workflow was to:

- do all the development work in the develop branch
- deploy this on pejacevic and slave(s) early and often
- merge this into master only on releases.

piuparts.git is maintained in the debian namespace on salsa, so you can
already commit there.

i'll file an debian RT ticket asking you to be added to the piuparts
group now.

> I'd be happy to use the opportunity to improve documentation of the
> processes, if needed, while I'm getting more familiar with them.

I believe all of the above should be added to piuparts.git somewhere.

last and very much not least: thank you very much for stepping up!


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