[Pkg-alsa-devel] New release

Thomas Hood jdthood@aglu.demon.nl
Mon, 10 Jan 2005 22:30:44 +0100

I think that we are just about ready for a new release of the whole ALSA
shootin' match; don't you?

    alsa-driver       1.0.7-3
    alsa-modules-i386 1.0.7+3+1
    alsa-utils        1.0.7-3
    alsa-lib          1.0.7-5
    alsa-oss          1.0.7-2

N.B., alsa-driver and alsa-utils have to be released together because
they have updated dependencies on each other.

I am doing a test build of alsa-modules-i386 now.  Looks fine so far.

Thomas Hood <jdthood@aglu.demon.nl>