[Pkg-alsa-devel] New release

Dan Chen crimsunkg@yahoo.com
Mon, 10 Jan 2005 14:06:33 -0800 (PST)

--- Thomas Hood <jdthood@aglu.demon.nl> wrote:
> I think that we are just about ready for a new
> release of the whole ALSA
> shootin' match; don't you?

There's a nasty oops in snd-pcm-oss that one can
trigger by pausing mp3blaster. This is fixed in ALSA
1.0.8rc2. Seeing how it may be rather hasty to pull in
an entire diff for alsa-driver, would it be feasible
to patch the relevant files in alsa-kernel/core/oss ?
The relevant diffs are all added asserts in:

r1.6 of alsa-kernel/core/oss/mulaw.c
r1.10 of alsa-kernel/core/oss/rate.c
r1.12 of alsa-kernel/core/oss/route.c

Only the snd_assert()s need to be added. Does this
seem non-invasive enough to generate a patch?


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