[Pkg-ayatana-devel] Bug#705133: libappindicator1: Should allow alternative to indicator-application

Ralf Jung post at ralfj.de
Wed Apr 10 14:11:02 UTC 2013

Hi again,

> The Recommends should therefore be changed to "indicator-application |
> indicator-renderer", and I will bug the KDE maintainers to provide the virtual
> package "indicator-renderer".
I am sorry, this part is wrong - at least I think it is.
"indicator-renderer" seems to be about the message-indicator protocol,
not application-indocator. Or maybe it is about even more, the
descriptions of packages providing "indicator-renderer" differ.

libappindicator is (if I got the source code right) an implementation of
org.kde.StatusNotifierItem, and hence it should allow
plasma-widgets-workspace as alternative to indicator-application.

Kind regards,

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