[pkg-bacula-devel] Bug#486131: Problem still exists in wheezy 5.2.6

Pierre Bernhardt pierre at starcumulus.owl.de
Mon Dec 8 01:18:23 UTC 2014

Am 03.12.2014 um 11:03 schrieb Carsten Leonhardt:
> Dear Pierre,
>> I've upgraded now to 5.2.6 and can confirm the problem still exists in
>> latest stable packages.
>> The crash ever happens when a job is started and the fd is not
>> available e.b. because the host is switched off. It is reproducible.
> could you provide a backtrace from the new version, and if possible the
> relevant part of your configuration and the exact steps to reproduce the
> crash?
I tried to get a backtrace allready, but it was not possible. However I don't
understood why backtrace was not created :-(

The only content what i got from baculas home dir ant e.g. the backup-sd.3282.bactrace
file is:
Attempt to dump current JCRs. njcrs=1
threadid=0x7feac0c2b700 JobId=22108 JobStatus=C jcr=0xadd128 name=file_home.2014-10-21_23.50.01_09
threadid=0x7feac0c2b700 killable=1 JobId=22108 JobStatus=C jcr=0xadd128 name=file_home.2014-10-21_23.50.01_09
        JobType=B JobLevel=I
        sched_time=22-Oct-2014 00:13 start_time=01-Jan-1970 01:00
        end_time=01-Jan-1970 01:00 wait_time=01-Jan-1970 01:00
        db=(nil) db_batch=(nil) batch_started=0
Attempt to dump plugins. Hook count=0

The good it's fully reproducible. I get many output from console if I start
bacula-sd by using /etc/init.d/bacula-sd start maybe with higher logging level.

All my communication is encrypted and signed by TLS. All hostsystems have different
private keys and own signed certs to prevent also from mitm attacks.
Maybe the occurs only by activated TLS communication. If you didn't test it yet
please try to activate TLS.

Here's an example of one of my clients:

# List Directors who are permitted to contact this File daemon
Director {
  Name = backup-dir
  Password = "secretDirKey"
  # TLS configuration
  TLS Enable = yes
  TLS Require = yes
  TLS Verify Peer = yes
  # From director
  TLS Allowed CN = "bacula at backup"
  TLS CA Certificate File = /etc/bacula/ssl/certs/ca.crt.pem
  TLS Certificate = /etc/bacula/ssl/certs/client.crt.pem
  TLS Key = /etc/bacula/ssl/private/client.key.pem

# Restricted Director, used by tray-monitor to get the
#   status of the file daemon
Director {
  Name = backup-mon
  Password = "secretMonKey"
  Monitor = yes

# "Global" File daemon configuration specifications
FileDaemon {                          # this is me
  Name = nihilnihil-fd
  FDport = 9102                  # where we listen for the director
  WorkingDirectory = /var/lib/bacula
  Pid Directory = /var/run/bacula
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
  FDAddress = client
  # Incoming from dir
  TLS Enable = yes
  TLS Require = yes
  TLS CA Certificate File = /etc/bacula/ssl/certs/ca.crt.pem
  TLS Certificate = /etc/bacula/ssl/certs/client.crt.pem
  TLS Key = /etc/bacula/ssl/private/client.key.pem

  PKI Signatures = no
  PKI Encryption = Yes
  PKI Keypair = "/etc/bacula/ssl/keypairs/client.keypair.pem"
  PKI Master Key = "/etc/bacula/ssl/certs/masterbackup.crt.pem"

# Send all messages except skipped files back to Director
Messages {
  Name = Standard
  director = backup-dir = all, !skipped, !restored

This should give you a hint what I mean. If you cannot reproduce
it I can try to install a small virtual test server with a small
test configuration which hopefully will reproduce the issue.

> http://www.bacula.org/7.0.x-manuals/en/main/New_Features_in_7_0_0.html#SECTION00312000000000000000
It looks like here there are new communication path, but in general I'm missing here
the communication between dir and sd e.g. for metadata. You can find a communication chart here:
or better here:

I'm still using 5.2.6 on server site because newer releases are not in the repositories:

root at backup:~# dpkg -l 'bacula-*' |grep -v '^un'
| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name                                    Version                    Architecture Description
ii  bacula-common                           5.2.6+dfsg-9               amd64        network backup service - common support files
ii  bacula-common-dbg                       5.2.6+dfsg-9               amd64        network backup service - common support files (debugging)
ii  bacula-common-pgsql                     5.2.6+dfsg-9               amd64        network backup service - PostgreSQL common files
ii  bacula-console                          5.2.6+dfsg-9               amd64        network backup service - text console
ii  bacula-console-qt                       5.2.6+dfsg-9               amd64        network backup service - Bacula Administration Tool
ii  bacula-director-common                  5.2.6+dfsg-9               amd64        network backup service - Director common files
ii  bacula-director-pgsql                   5.2.6+dfsg-9               amd64        network backup service - PostgreSQL storage for Director
ii  bacula-doc                              5.2.6-3                    all          Documentation for Bacula
ii  bacula-fd                               5.2.6+dfsg-9               amd64        network backup service - file daemon
ii  bacula-sd                               5.2.6+dfsg-9               amd64        network backup service - storage daemon
ii  bacula-sd-dbg                           5.2.6+dfsg-9               amd64        network backup service - storage daemon (debugging)
ii  bacula-sd-pgsql                         5.2.6+dfsg-9               amd64        network backup service - PostgreSQL SD tools
ii  bacula-sd-pgsql-dbg                     5.2.6+dfsg-9               amd64        network backup service - PostgreSQL SD tools (debugging)
ii  bacula-server                           5.2.6+dfsg-9               all          network backup service - server metapackage

On client side I used wheezy also jessie on dedicated clients:

oot at fax:~# dpkg -l 'bacula-*' |grep -v '^un'
| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name                               Version                      Architecture Description
ii  bacula-common                      5.2.6+dfsg-9                 amd64        network backup service - common support files
ii  bacula-fd                          5.2.6+dfsg-9                 amd64        network backup service - file daemon

root at nihilnihil:~# cat /etc/debian_version
root at nihilnihil:~# dpkg -l 'bacula-*' |grep -v '^un'
Gewünscht=Unbekannt/Installieren/R=Entfernen/P=Vollständig Löschen/Halten
| Status=Nicht/Installiert/Config/U=Entpackt/halb konFiguriert/
         Halb installiert/Trigger erWartet/Trigger anhängig
|/ Fehler?=(kein)/R=Neuinstallation notwendig (Status, Fehler: GROSS=schlecht)
||/ Name                   Version        Architektur  Beschreibung
ii  bacula-common          5.2.6+dfsg-9.3 amd64        network backup service - common support files
ii  bacula-console         5.2.6+dfsg-9.3 amd64        network backup service - text console
ii  bacula-fd              5.2.6+dfsg-9.3 amd64        network backup service - file daemon
ii  bacula-traymonitor     5.2.6+dfsg-9.3 amd64        network backup service - tray monitor

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