[pkg-bacula-devel] bacula-tray-monitor

Carsten Leonhardt leo at debian.org
Fri Dec 7 23:55:59 GMT 2018

Sven Hartge <sven at svenhartge.de> writes:

> On 07.12.18 18:23, Carsten Leonhardt wrote:
>> Sven Hartge <sven at svenhartge.de> writes:
>>> Just for laughs, my first attempt with potrace produce the attached
>>> nightmarish result ;)
>> You can keep that as a smiley ;-)
> How about the attached one? This is a tracing done using inkscape
> directly with a bit of manual changes. (It easily shows why I never got
> above a D/4 in art in school :))

it's much better. Although I think the original is supposed to show a
tape, which probably should be rectangular in shape :)

But I shouldn't comment as long as I don't deliver something prettier :-)

 - Carsten

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