[pkg-bacula-devel] Permission problem with bacula-tray-monitor.conf

Carsten Leonhardt leo at debian.org
Sun Dec 23 23:21:42 GMT 2018


> I just noticed a problem with the permission of bacula-tray-monitor.conf.
> Currently the file is "640 root:bacula" but for the normal user to be
> able to read it, it needs either be 644 or the user must be in the group
> bacula.
> I didn't notice until now, because on all systems where I use the tray
> monitor my user is in said group.
> IMHO the safest way is to have the file world-readable because in a
> normal installation the FD-Monitor user can't do anything other than
> read the current state of the FD from the FD.
> Comments?

Hm. I'd say we leave it as is. We don't know the client computer setups,
maybe there are users that shouldn't be able to see the state of the
backups. If someone should be able to see, let the admin add these users
to the bacula group.

A note to that effect somewhere might be justified though.

 - Carsten

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