[pkg-bacula-devel] 11.0.0 has been released

Mario Pranjic mario at pranjic.no
Thu Dec 17 16:52:11 GMT 2020

Not sure if this one got through due to attachments, so I am re-sending 
without them.


On 12/17/20 5:46 PM, Mario Pranjic wrote:
> OK,  very quick comparrison:
> 9.6.7 -> 26 tables
> 11.0 -> 32 tables
> One can see by owner new/changed tables in v11 (postgres dbuser was 
> used when running dbupgrade script):
> On version 9.6.7:
> bacula=# \dt
>             List of relations
>  Schema |      Name      | Type  | Owner
> --------+----------------+-------+--------
>  public | basefiles      | table | bacula
>  public | cdimages       | table | bacula
>  public | client         | table | bacula
>  public | counters       | table | bacula
>  public | device         | table | bacula
>  public | file           | table | bacula
> *public | filename       | table | bacula*
>  public | fileset        | table | bacula
>  public | job            | table | bacula
>  public | jobhisto       | table | bacula
>  public | jobmedia       | table | bacula
>  public | location       | table | bacula
>  public | locationlog    | table | bacula
>  public | log            | table | bacula
>  public | media          | table | bacula
>  public | mediatype      | table | bacula
>  public | path           | table | bacula
>  public | pathhierarchy  | table | bacula
>  public | pathvisibility | table | bacula
>  public | pool           | table | bacula
>  public | restoreobject  | table | bacula
>  public | snapshot       | table | bacula
>  public | status         | table | bacula
>  public | storage        | table | bacula
>  public | unsavedfiles   | table | bacula
>  public | version        | table | bacula
> (26 rows)
> On version 11.0:
> baculatest=# \dt
>              List of relations
>  Schema |      Name      | Type  |  Owner
> --------+----------------+-------+----------
>  public | basefiles      | table | bacula
>  public | cdimages       | table | bacula
>  public | client         | table | bacula
>  public | counters       | table | bacula
>  public | device         | table | bacula
> * public | events         | table | postgres**
> ** public | file           | table | postgres**
> ** public | filemedia      | table | postgres*
>  public | fileset        | table | bacula
>  public | job            | table | bacula
>  public | jobhisto       | table | bacula
>  public | jobmedia       | table | bacula
>  public | location       | table | bacula
>  public | locationlog    | table | bacula
>  public | log            | table | bacula
>  public | media          | table | bacula
>  public | mediatype      | table | bacula
> * public | object         | table | postgres*
>  public | path           | table | bacula
>  public | pathhierarchy  | table | bacula
>  public | pathvisibility | table | bacula
>  public | pool           | table | bacula
>  public | restoreobject  | table | bacula
>  public | snapshot       | table | bacula
>  public | status         | table | bacula
>  public | storage        | table | bacula
> * public | tagclient      | table | postgres**
> ** public | tagjob         | table | postgres**
> ** public | tagmedia       | table | postgres**
> ** public | tagobject      | table | postgres*
>  public | unsavedfiles   | table | bacula
>  public | version        | table | bacula
> (32 rows)
> Now...
> Table "file" was changed, but it looks like only one index was dropped 
> and another changed, since table filename in 9.67 is not in 11.0.
> On 9.6.7
>                                  Table "public.file"
>    Column   |   Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default
> ------------+----------+-----------+----------+--------------------------------------
>  fileid     | bigint   |           | not null | 
> nextval('file_fileid_seq'::regclass)
>  fileindex  | integer  |           | not null | 0
>  jobid      | integer  |           | not null |
>  pathid     | integer  |           | not null |
>  filenameid | integer  |           | not null |
>  deltaseq   | smallint |           | not null | 0
>  markid     | integer  |           | not null | 0
>  lstat      | text     |           | not null |
>  md5        | text     |           | not null |
> Indexes:
>     "file_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (fileid)
> *    "file_jobid_idx" btree (jobid)*
> *    "file_jpfid_idx" btree (jobid, pathid, filenameid)*
> On 11.0:
>                                 Table "public.file"
>   Column   |   Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default
> -----------+----------+-----------+----------+--------------------------------------
>  fileid    | bigint   |           | not null | 
> nextval('file_fileid_seq'::regclass)
>  fileindex | integer  |           | not null | 0
>  jobid     | integer  |           | not null |
>  pathid    | integer  |           | not null |
>  filename  | text     |           | not null | ''::text
>  deltaseq  | smallint |           | not null | 0
>  markid    | integer  |           | not null | 0
>  lstat     | text     |           | not null |
>  md5       | text     |           | not null |
> Indexes:
>     "file_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (fileid)
> *    "file_jpfid_idx" btree (jobid, pathid, filename text_pattern_ops)*
> It would be useful to see ER diagram and compare it to get full 
> understanding.
> I am attaching schema dumps for 9.6.7 and 11 (after upgrade) for the 
> reference.
> Best regards,
> --
> Mario.
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