[pkg-bacula-devel] lintian warning: binary-without-manpage

Sven Hartge sven at svenhartge.de
Thu Jun 11 17:47:30 BST 2020

On 11.06.20 18:23, Carsten Leonhardt wrote:

> I've looked into generating man pages with help2man automatically, but
> apparently it would be better to do it once and keep them in a patch
> until upstream accepts them. I'll look into that later, probably not
> today.

I just tried help2man on bbconsjson and the output needs a lot of manual
cleanup. Automating this would be more work than just doing it once and
patching it in.

While doing this, we may also want to patch the man-pages for bsmtp, bat
and bacula-tray-monitor to be in (8) instead of (1).


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