[Pkg-bazaar-maint] location for new uploads

Reinhard Tartler siretart at debian.org
Fri Apr 27 20:55:43 UTC 2007

In order to coordinate packages for bzr 0.16, I've just created a team
directory on alioth. It can be found here:


Since that directory is a bit hidden, I recommend symlinking it from
your home directory. The choosen place has the advantage that the
packages are publicy available from here:


So it's easy to see what packages are missing before one can upload 0.16
to unstable. Please copy your prepared source package to that
location. I (and hopefully other DDs as well) will regularily check that
directory and if all packages are available, upload them in one shot to

I'd suggest to wait with uploading until the following packages in sync
(i.e. available in the team's directory):


I'm pretty sure I've missed the one or other package, so please raise
your hand and tell what's missing. If you disagree with my proposal,
now would be a good time to raise your concerns :)

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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