[pkg-boinc-devel] boinc-manager: Does not open browser window when buttons in left column are clicked

Frank S. Thomas frank at thomas-alfeld.de
Sun Jan 8 13:54:50 UTC 2006

Hello Olek,

On Sunday 08 January 2006 04:32, Olek Wojnar wrote:
> Using Gnome desktop. Mozilla as default Web browser under Preferred
> Applications. I hit the "SETI at home" button and get the
> following error:
> "BOINC could not determine what your default browser is.
> Please verify that you have either the 'mailcap' package installed or
> 'mime' package installed, and that the 'text/html' mime type is
> configured for your favorite browser. Another method is to set the
> BROWSER environment variable to point to whatever your favorite
> web browser is.  Please open a browser window to the following URL:
> http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/"
> I DO have the mime-support package installed. Please let me know if you
> need any additional info. Thanks!

Thanks for the report. I tried to fix the wxWidgets code that uses MIME to 
determine which is the default browser, but failed. It seems to be that this 
is a bug in wxWidgets itself, but I'm not certain. However, I patched [1] 
boincmgr so that it uses the program "sensible-browser" as fallback if the 
MIME stuff fails. The next upload of BOINC will include this bugfix.


  ,''`.  Frank S. Thomas <frank at thomas-alfeld.de>
 : :' :  http://www.thomas-alfeld.de/frank
 `. `'   GPG Key ID: 0xDC426429

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