[PATCH] for experimantal branch (boinc-dev)

Alex Owen r.alex.owen at gmail.com
Thu Jan 25 21:27:53 CET 2007

I am building a boinc server. I'm building it from boinc-5.5.10 source
compiled with the experimental branch debian/rules etc. I know this is
not the upstream version that the experimental branch is targeting but
I think my experience is near enough to share it with you!

I find that the boinc-dev package is missing various header files. I
have 2 solutions to this.

[1] *deprecated* This solution is based on the upstream patch:
The first solution is included as attachment boinc-dev.1.patch
It modifies Makefile.am and hence the upstream generated makefile so
the upstream "make install" does the right thing.

[2] *prefered* This solution adjusts the boinc-dev.[install|links]
files so that the debian install does the right thing.
The second solution is included as attachment boinc-dev.2.patch
I think this is a preferable solution as I think it will be less
upstream version sensitive.

I'd appreciate any comments or even an SVN comit of [2] boinc-dev.2.patch .

Alex Owen
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