Bug#465265: closed by "Frank S. Thomas" <fst at debian.org> (Re: Bug#465265: boincmgr: Opens terminal session instead of web browser.)

Frank S. Thomas fst at debian.org
Fri Feb 22 11:53:48 UTC 2008

On Friday 22 February 2008 03:41, Dennis G. Wicks wrote:
> Tried both suggested solutions, no difference.
> There is no change in the way that Boinc Manager acts
> when it tries to open a web page.

What happens if you run sensible-browser in an X terminal? For example:
  $ sensible-browser http://www.debian.org

And is the BROWSER variable set in your environment?
  $ echo $BROWSER

> Do I have to pretend I am running Windows and reboot?


Frank S. Thomas <fst at debian.org>           PGP public key ID: 0xDC426429
Debian Developer                            finger fst/key at db.debian.org
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