boinc-client / boinc-manager relationship

Skip Guenter sguenter at
Fri May 16 16:56:20 UTC 2008

Duh! Oh you are quite right.  I even use boinc manager daily from a 
desktop machine to check on the 'headless' machines elsewhere on the LAN.
I have as of yet to come across usage of the manager w/o client also 
installed on same machine though.  My son's gentoo machines run 
boinc-client only (no gui).  I check on them with boinc-manager from 
WinXP or Xubuntu machine.

Unencumbered by any actual knowledge... I like the metapackage idea.  
Anybody doing anything "out of the norm" is likely to understand the 
differences and be able to pick the packages desired.  Applying the KISS 
principle, Joe User could just install the metapackage. 

Taking that thought a bit further... when running 64b Ubuntu/Xubuntu OS 
and 64b BOINC, several projects *require *the packages "ia32-libs" and / 
or  "libstdc++5" in order to run their applications.  Is there anyway to 
cover this as a 'for some projects recommended packages if running 
64b"?  Can recommended packages text be 'forked' / variable depending on 
32b or 64b?

Thanx, Skip
......................... tear here ........................
pkg-boinc-devel-request at wrote:

Message: 5
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 09:41:26 +0200
From: "Frank S. Thomas" <fst at>
Subject: Re: Boinc-client / manager relationship
To: pkg-boinc-devel at
Message-ID: <200805160941.33368.fst at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

On Thursday 15 May 2008 18:17, Skip Guenter wrote:

> > boinc-manager requires boinc-client
> > boinc-client does not REQUIRE boinc-manager

Strictly speaking boinc-manager also does not require boinc-client because it 
can be used to monitor remote clients. But I think this situation is much 
less common than having boinc-client without boinc-manager installed (think 
of servers without X). I think this relationship is adequately expressed in 
boinc-client's/boinc-manager's Recommends/Suggests fields:

Package: boinc-client
Suggests: boinc-manager

Package: boinc-manager
Recommends: boinc-client

However it seems that people still have problems to install a "standard BOINC 
installation" (client + manager). What can we do to improve the situation? 
Maybe the package descriptions should be improved. Or we could introduce a 
boinc metapackage which depends on boinc-client and boinc-manager.

Other suggestions? 

-- Frank S. Thomas <fst at> PGP public key ID: 0xDC426429 Debian 
Developer finger fst/key at

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