SCHEDULE="1" in /etc/default/boinc-client

Skip Guenter sguenter at
Fri May 16 17:14:52 UTC 2008

I also have 2 questions I've been unable to get any info on.  Maybe 
somebody here can shed some light or, if better, email me a link to the 

* 1)* With the v5.10.45 package the variable SCHEDULE="1" is now in 
/etc/default/boinc-client (and appropriate usage in the 
/etc/init.d/  The first 2 lines are comments as 
installed followed by my changing of the "1" setting to "0".

# Set this to 1 to enable advanced scheduling of the BOINC client and 
all its
# sub-processes (reduces the impact of BOINC on the system's performance).
#  4/2008 - changed from default of 1 to 0, SRG

I made the above change on a couple machines based only on the comments 
provided above it.  My question is:  For a dedicated cruncher whose main 
or only purpose in life is to run BOINC should this setting be set to 
"0" instead of the default of "1"?  Or, in other words, for this 
situation should I have set = 0?
If correct, then heck, give me a "-1" setting to renice the sibling 
tasks UP the food chain  ;-)

* 2)* What is the purpose of having the SETI app in the package 
repository?  Is there any improved performance by installing this over 
what is downloaded by boinc from Berkeley? 

I ask this after seeing the "integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU" 
benchmarks in boinc go *up* from using Berkeley v5.10.45 manually 
kludged in executables to Debian v5.10.45 package installed 
executables.  Since this change occurred with the upgrade from Xubuntu 
v7.10 to v8.04 I can not, with 100% certainty, say it was solely the 
difference in the boinc executables but I believe it is the most likely.

Thanx again, Skip 'da shu'

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