BOINC packaging plans for unstable and squeeze

René Mayorga rmayorga at
Sat Feb 21 08:06:31 UTC 2009

Hello guys,

I was thinking on move BOINC packages from experimental
to unstable this weekend, there would not be enough changes
there to worry about.

And after moving this package at least for me, the plan is upload
boinc 6.4.5 to experimental, but there is still some things 
to do on this version( TODO.Debian file (and wiki TODO) ), there 
are at least some issues regarding licenses that is a really 
concern to me, so please I will very happy to receive 
some input on every thing of 6.2.18 or the 6.4.5 temp branch.

I have some changes to debian/rules about the catalogs files
things that need to be committed, but at this moment for me the
mayor concern is about the licensing of some files...,  so input 
are really welcome.

Rene Mauricio Mayorga   |  jabber: rmayorga at     |  
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