[Pkg-clamav-devel] Packaging clamav 0.96

Stephen Gran sgran at debian.org
Mon Apr 5 14:52:42 UTC 2010

This one time, at band camp, acab at digitalfuture.it said:
> On Sat, Apr 03, 2010 at 11:19:18PM +0200, acab at digitalfuture.it wrote:
> > Hi all,
> Updated status:
> $ diff -urN -x.git -x.gitignore -x.gitattributes -xdebian -xwin32
> -xetc -xcontrib /tmp/asd/clamav-0.96+dfsg . | diffstat
>  COPYING.llvm                                       |   72 +++++++++++++
>  ^ This was forgotten by upstream.
>  Makefile.am                                        |    2
>  ^ Removed references to win32
>  Makefile.in                                        |    2
>  ^ Removed references to win32
>  configure.in                                       |    1
>  ^ One dnl line swapped - cosmetic
>  docs/man/clamd.conf.5.in                           |    8 -
>  ^ Include fixes Michael previously committed which were never adopted
>  by upstream (i'll get them adopted right now)
>  libclamav/c++/llvm/include/llvm/System/DataTypes.h |  112
>  ^ This is a configure generated file. Should have not been included in
>  the tarball by ustream at all (edwin's fixing it right now).

See attached diff between the 0.96 tag and debian/unstable.  Does this
look reasonable?  I haven't grabbed the tarball yet, just working with
what's in the various git repos.  All the win32 stuff looks fine, but
shouldn't the contrib directories be a bit more in sync?  Or is it just
that git has more contrib stuff than the the tarball?

|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        sgran at debian.org |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                                     http://www.debian.org |
-------------- next part --------------
 ChangeLog                                          |   24 -
 Makefile.am                                        |    2 +-
 Makefile.in                                        |    2 +-
 configure.in                                       |    1 +
 contrib/DJGPP/README                               |    2 -
 contrib/DJGPP/djgpp_0.95.diff                      |  827 -
 contrib/checking/build.sh                          |   30 -
 contrib/clamavmon/clamavmon                        |  197 -
 contrib/clamd_fdscan/Makefile                      |   18 -
 contrib/clamd_fdscan/clamd_fdscan.c                |  132 -
 contrib/clamd_fdscan/clamd_fdscan.h                |   19 -
 contrib/clamd_fdscan/strlcpy.c                     |   52 -
 contrib/entitynorm/AUTHORS                         |    1 -
 contrib/entitynorm/COPYING                         |  340 -
 contrib/entitynorm/Makefile                        |   30 -
 contrib/entitynorm/clamav-config.h                 |  398 -
 contrib/entitynorm/entities/isoamsb.ent            |   83 -
 contrib/entitynorm/entities/isoamsc.ent            |   51 -
 contrib/entitynorm/entities/isoamso.ent            |   59 -
 contrib/entitynorm/entities/isoamsr.ent            |  125 -
 contrib/entitynorm/entities/isobox.ent             |   81 -
 contrib/entitynorm/entities/isocyr1.ent            |  108 -
 contrib/entitynorm/entities/isocyr2.ent            |   67 -
 contrib/entitynorm/entities/isodia.ent             |   55 -
 contrib/entitynorm/entities/isogrk1.ent            |   90 -
 contrib/entitynorm/entities/isogrk2.ent            |   61 -
 contrib/entitynorm/entities/isogrk3.ent            |   84 -
 contrib/entitynorm/entities/isolat1.ent            |  103 -
 contrib/entitynorm/entities/isonum.ent             |  117 -
 contrib/entitynorm/entities/isopub.ent             |  125 -
 contrib/entitynorm/entities/isotech.ent            |  103 -
 contrib/entitynorm/entities/xhtml-lat1.ent         |  196 -
 contrib/entitynorm/entities/xhtml-special.ent      |   79 -
 contrib/entitynorm/entities/xhtml-symbol.ent       |  242 -
 contrib/entitynorm/entity_decl_parse.pl            |   41 -
 contrib/entitynorm/fix_dbs.sh                      |   19 -
 contrib/entitynorm/fixdb.c                         |  428 -
 contrib/entitynorm/generate_encoding_aliases.c     |   77 -
 contrib/entitynorm/generate_entitylist.c           |   78 -
 contrib/entitynorm/gentbl.c                        |   48 -
 contrib/entitynorm/postprocess.c                   |   77 -
 contrib/mpoolparse/poolsize.pl                     |  134 -
 contrib/mpoolparse/process.pl                      |   23 -
 contrib/optimize/optimize.c                        |  211 -
 contrib/phishing/gdbwhitelist.sh                   |    8 -
 contrib/phishing/generate_tables.c                 |  169 -
 contrib/phishing/regex_opt.py                      |   61 -
 contrib/phishing/update_iana_data.sh               |   37 -
 contrib/phishing/update_iana_tld.sh                |   29 -
 contrib/phishing/whitelist_test.c                  |   76 -
 contrib/phishing/why.py                            |   24 -
 contrib/split-tarball.sh                           |   15 +-
 contrib/test/README                                |    3 -
 contrib/test/clam-aspack.exe                       |  Bin 7680 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam-fsg.exe                          |  Bin 6656 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam-mew.exe                          |  Bin 1560 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam-nsis.exe                         |  Bin 47437 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam-pespin.exe                       |  Bin 16384 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam-petite.exe                       |  Bin 4096 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam-upack.exe                        |  Bin 1852 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam-upx.exe                          |  Bin 3072 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam-v2.rar                           |  Bin 350 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam-v3.rar                           |  Bin 364 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam-wwpack.exe                       |  Bin 4096 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam-yc.exe                           |  Bin 6226 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam.7z                               |  Bin 362 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam.arj                              |  Bin 393 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam.bin-be.cpio                      |  Bin 1024 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam.bin-le.cpio                      |  Bin 1024 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam.bz2.zip                          |  Bin 462 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam.cab                              |  Bin 621 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam.chm                              |  Bin 10950 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam.d64.zip                          |  Bin 422 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam.ea05.exe                         |  Bin 211738 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam.ea06.exe                         |  Bin 257960 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam.exe                              |  Bin 544 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam.exe.binhex                       |   14 -
 contrib/test/clam.exe.bz2                          |  Bin 348 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam.exe.html                         |    1 -
 contrib/test/clam.exe.mbox.base64                  |   17 -
 contrib/test/clam.exe.mbox.uu                      |   22 -
 contrib/test/clam.exe.rtf                          |  111 -
 contrib/test/clam.exe.szdd                         |  Bin 308 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam.impl.zip                         |  Bin 394 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam.mail                             |   31 -
 contrib/test/clam.newc.cpio                        |  Bin 1024 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam.odc.cpio                         |  Bin 1024 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam.ole.doc                          |  Bin 16384 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam.pdf                              |  Bin 7277 -> 0 bytes
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 contrib/test/clam.sis                              |  Bin 596 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam.tar.gz                           |  Bin 486 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam.tnef                             |  Bin 9738 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam.zip                              |  Bin 404 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam_IScab_ext.exe                    |  Bin 1748612 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam_IScab_int.exe                    |  Bin 1744032 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam_ISmsi_ext.exe                    |  Bin 1215239 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam_ISmsi_int.exe                    |  Bin 1184248 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/clam_cache_emax.tgz                   |  Bin 3079 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/test/farm/farm.c                           |  374 -
 contrib/test/libclamav/libclamav.c                 |  313 -
 contrib/test/mbox/debugm.c                         |   91 -
 contrib/test/pe/debugpe.c                          |  177 -
 database/daily.cvd                                 |  Bin 0 -> 1103678 bytes
 database/main.cvd                                  |  Bin 0 -> 22906487 bytes
 debian/NEWS.Debian                                 |  130 +
 debian/README.Debian                               |  270 +
 debian/changelog                                   | 2390 +
 debian/clamav-base.config.in                       |  453 +
 debian/clamav-base.dirs                            |    8 +
 debian/clamav-base.docs                            |    6 +
 debian/clamav-base.examples                        |    3 +
 debian/clamav-base.install                         |    1 +
 debian/clamav-base.manpages                        |    1 +
 debian/clamav-base.postinst.in                     |  373 +
 debian/clamav-base.postrm                          |   61 +
 debian/clamav-base.templates                       |  165 +
 debian/clamav-config.1                             |   68 +
 debian/clamav-daemon.dirs                          |    5 +
 debian/clamav-daemon.init.in                       |  170 +
 debian/clamav-daemon.install                       |    5 +
 debian/clamav-daemon.links                         |    6 +
 debian/clamav-daemon.logcheck.ignore.paranoid      |    6 +
 debian/clamav-daemon.logcheck.ignore.server        |    1 +
 debian/clamav-daemon.manpages                      |    4 +
 debian/clamav-daemon.postinst.in                   |   90 +
 debian/clamav-daemon.postrm                        |   41 +
 debian/clamav-docs.docs                            |   14 +
 debian/clamav-freshclam-ifupdown                   |   78 +
 debian/clamav-freshclam.config.in                  |  184 +
 debian/clamav-freshclam.dirs                       |    6 +
 debian/clamav-freshclam.docs                       |    1 +
 debian/clamav-freshclam.examples                   |    1 +
 debian/clamav-freshclam.init.in                    |  159 +
 debian/clamav-freshclam.install                    |    6 +
 debian/clamav-freshclam.links                      |    6 +
 debian/clamav-freshclam.logcheck.ignore.server     |    7 +
 debian/clamav-freshclam.logrotate                  |   11 +
 debian/clamav-freshclam.manpages                   |    2 +
 debian/clamav-freshclam.postinst.in                |  286 +
 debian/clamav-freshclam.postrm                     |   72 +
 debian/clamav-freshclam.prerm                      |   13 +
 debian/clamav-freshclam.templates                  |   86 +
 debian/clamav-milter.config.in                     |  533 +
 debian/clamav-milter.default                       |   13 +
 debian/clamav-milter.dirs                          |    2 +
 debian/clamav-milter.docs                          |    2 +
 debian/clamav-milter.examples                      |    1 +
 debian/clamav-milter.init.in                       |  225 +
 debian/clamav-milter.install                       |    3 +
 debian/clamav-milter.links                         |    6 +
 debian/clamav-milter.logcheck.ignore.paranoid      |    4 +
 debian/clamav-milter.logcheck.ignore.server        |    1 +
 debian/clamav-milter.m4                            |   28 +
 debian/clamav-milter.manpages                      |    1 +
 debian/clamav-milter.postinst.in                   |  273 +
 debian/clamav-milter.postrm                        |   51 +
 debian/clamav-milter.templates                     |  245 +
 debian/clamav-testfiles.dirs                       |    3 +
 debian/clamav-testfiles.docs                       |    6 +
 debian/clamav-testfiles.install                    |    6 +
 debian/clamav.dirs                                 |    2 +
 debian/clamav.examples                             |    2 +
 debian/clamav.install                              |    3 +
 debian/clamav.links                                |    6 +
 debian/clamav.manpages                             |    2 +
 debian/clampipe                                    |   30 +
 debian/common_functions                            |  151 +
 debian/compat                                      |    1 +
 debian/control                                     |  199 +
 debian/copyright                                   |  778 +
 debian/libclamav-dev.dirs                          |    3 +
 debian/libclamav-dev.install                       |    6 +
 debian/libclamav-dev.links                         |    6 +
 debian/libclamav-dev.manpages                      |    1 +
 debian/libclamav6.docs                             |    6 +
 debian/libclamav6.install                          |    2 +
 debian/libclamav6.lintian-overrides                |    1 +
 debian/mirror-list                                 |  247 +
 debian/po/POTFILES.in                              |    3 +
 debian/po/cs.po                                    | 1275 +
 debian/po/da.po                                    | 1515 +
 debian/po/de.po                                    | 1169 +
 debian/po/es.po                                    | 1260 +
 debian/po/eu.po                                    | 1139 +
 debian/po/fi.po                                    | 1129 +
 debian/po/fr.po                                    | 1172 +
 debian/po/gl.po                                    | 1298 +
 debian/po/it.po                                    | 1325 +
 debian/po/ja.po                                    | 1125 +
 debian/po/nl.po                                    |  928 +
 debian/po/pt.po                                    | 1148 +
 debian/po/pt_BR.po                                 | 1634 +
 debian/po/ru.po                                    | 1134 +
 debian/po/sv.po                                    | 1142 +
 debian/po/templates.pot                            |  982 +
 debian/po/vi.po                                    | 1145 +
 debian/rules                                       |  345 +
 debian/script                                      |   16 +
 debian/watch                                       |    4 +
 docs/man/clamd.conf.5.in                           |    8 +-
 etc/clamav-milter.conf                             |    5 +-
 etc/clamd.conf                                     |    6 +-
 etc/freshclam.conf                                 |    4 +-
 libclamav/7z/BraIA64.c                             |   67 -
 libclamav/7z/lzma.txt                              |  594 -
 libclamav/Makefile.am                              |    3 +
 libclamav/Makefile.in                              |    3 +
 libclamav/c++/GenList.pl                           |  101 -
 libclamav/c++/TODO.CLAMAV                          |   15 -
 libclamav/c++/bytecode2llvm.cpp                    |    8 -
 libclamav/c++/llvm/lib/ExecutionEngine/JIT/JIT.cpp |   37 +-
 libclamav/c++/llvm/lib/Support/Allocator.cpp       |    2 +-
 .../llvm/lib/Target/PowerPC/PPCISelLowering.cpp    |   26 -
 libclamav/c++/merge.sh                             |   33 -
 libclamav/c++/strip-llvm.sh                        |   36 -
 libclamunrar/libclamunrar.map                      |   10 -
 libclamunrar/unrar.c                               | 1115 -
 libclamunrar/unrar.h                               |  276 -
 libclamunrar/unrar15.c                             |  503 -
 libclamunrar/unrar15.h                             |   23 -
 libclamunrar/unrar20.c                             |  407 -
 libclamunrar/unrar20.h                             |   31 -
 libclamunrar/unrarcmd.c                            |   51 -
 libclamunrar/unrarcmd.h                            |   36 -
 libclamunrar/unrarfilter.c                         |   99 -
 libclamunrar/unrarfilter.h                         |   35 -
 libclamunrar/unrarhlp.c                            |   62 -
 libclamunrar/unrarhlp.h                            |   58 -
 libclamunrar/unrarppm.c                            | 1039 -
 libclamunrar/unrarppm.h                            |  120 -
 libclamunrar/unrarvm.c                             | 1173 -
 libclamunrar/unrarvm.h                             |  109 -
 unit_tests/duma_tests.sh                           |   43 -
 unit_tests/efence_tests.sh                         |   46 -
 unit_tests/valgrind_tests.sh                       |  107 -
 win32/.gitignore                                   |    8 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/CHANGES                       |  319 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/LICENSE                       |   42 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/Makefile-libbz2_so            |   59 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/README                        |  210 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/README.COMPILATION.PROBLEMS   |   58 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/README.XML.STUFF              |   45 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/blocksort.c                   | 1094 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/bz-common.xsl                 |   39 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/bz-fo.xsl                     |  276 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/bz-html.xsl                   |   20 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/bzdiff                        |   76 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/bzdiff.1                      |   47 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/bzgrep                        |   75 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/bzgrep.1                      |   56 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/bzip.css                      |   74 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/bzip2.1                       |  454 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/bzip2.1.preformatted          |  399 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/bzip2.c                       | 2034 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/bzip2.txt                     |  391 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/bzip2recover.c                |  514 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/bzlib.c                       | 1572 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/bzlib.h                       |  282 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/bzlib_private.h               |  509 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/bzmore                        |   61 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/bzmore.1                      |  152 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/compress.c                    |  672 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/crctable.c                    |  104 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/decompress.c                  |  626 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/dlltest.c                     |  175 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/dlltest.dsp                   |   93 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/entities.xml                  |    9 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/format.pl                     |   68 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/huffman.c                     |  205 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/libbz2.def                    |   27 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/libbz2.dsp                    |  130 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/makefile.msc                  |   63 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/manual.html                   | 2540 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/manual.ps                     |82900 --------------------
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/manual.xml                    | 2964 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/mk251.c                       |   31 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/randtable.c                   |   84 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/sample3.ref                   |30007 -------
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/spewG.c                       |   54 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/unzcrash.c                    |  141 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/words0                        |    9 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/words1                        |    4 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/words2                        |    5 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/words3                        |   30 -
 win32/3rdparty/bzip2/xmlproc.sh                    |  114 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/ANNOUNCE                   |  476 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/BUGS                       |  133 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/Bmakefile                  |  266 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/CONTRIBUTORS               |  130 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/COPYING                    |  150 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/COPYING.LIB                |  504 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/ChangeLog                  | 4922 --
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/FAQ                        |  451 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/GNUmakefile                |  583 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/MAINTAINERS                |    4 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/NEWS                       | 1158 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/Nmakefile                  |   24 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/Nmakefile.tests            |  260 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/PROGRESS                   |    4 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/README                     |  593 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/README.Borland             |   57 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/README.CV                  | 3036 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/README.NONPORTABLE         |  295 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/README.Watcom              |   62 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/README.WinCE               |    6 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/TODO                       |    7 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/WinCE-PORT                 |  222 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/attr.c                     |   53 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/barrier.c                  |   47 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/builddmc.bat               |    9 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/cancel.c                   |   44 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/cleanup.c                  |  148 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/condvar.c                  |   50 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/config.h                   |  134 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/context.h                  |   74 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/create.c                   |  305 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/dll.c                      |   92 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/errno.c                    |   94 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/exit.c                     |   44 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/fork.c                     |   39 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/global.c                   |  115 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/implement.h                |  727 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/manual/ChangeLog           |   66 -
 .../pthreads/manual/PortabilityIssues.html         |  718 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/manual/index.html          |  146 -
 .../pthreads/manual/pthreadCancelableWait.html     |   86 -
 .../pthreads/manual/pthread_attr_init.html         |  280 -
 .../pthreads/manual/pthread_attr_setstackaddr.html |  158 -
 .../pthreads/manual/pthread_attr_setstacksize.html |  127 -
 .../pthreads/manual/pthread_barrier_init.html      |  200 -
 .../pthreads/manual/pthread_barrier_wait.html      |  167 -
 .../pthreads/manual/pthread_barrierattr_init.html  |  142 -
 .../manual/pthread_barrierattr_setpshared.html     |  159 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/manual/pthread_cancel.html |  205 -
 .../pthreads/manual/pthread_cleanup_push.html      |  140 -
 .../pthreads/manual/pthread_cond_init.html         |  313 -
 .../pthreads/manual/pthread_condattr_init.html     |   98 -
 .../manual/pthread_condattr_setpshared.html        |  153 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/manual/pthread_create.html |   94 -
 .../3rdparty/pthreads/manual/pthread_delay_np.html |   71 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/manual/pthread_detach.html |   90 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/manual/pthread_equal.html  |   48 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/manual/pthread_exit.html   |   59 -
 .../manual/pthread_getw32threadhandle_np.html      |   57 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/manual/pthread_join.html   |  118 -
 .../pthreads/manual/pthread_key_create.html        |  211 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/manual/pthread_kill.html   |  152 -
 .../pthreads/manual/pthread_mutex_init.html        |  277 -
 .../pthreads/manual/pthread_mutexattr_init.html    |  157 -
 .../manual/pthread_mutexattr_setpshared.html       |  151 -
 .../pthreads/manual/pthread_num_processors_np.html |   57 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/manual/pthread_once.html   |   83 -
 .../pthreads/manual/pthread_rwlock_init.html       |  193 -
 .../pthreads/manual/pthread_rwlock_rdlock.html     |  168 -
 .../manual/pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock.html         |  156 -
 .../manual/pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock.html         |  150 -
 .../pthreads/manual/pthread_rwlock_unlock.html     |  141 -
 .../pthreads/manual/pthread_rwlock_wrlock.html     |  153 -
 .../pthreads/manual/pthread_rwlockattr_init.html   |  141 -
 .../manual/pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared.html      |  160 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/manual/pthread_self.html   |   70 -
 .../pthreads/manual/pthread_setcancelstate.html    |  207 -
 .../pthreads/manual/pthread_setcanceltype.html     |  207 -
 .../pthreads/manual/pthread_setconcurrency.html    |  155 -
 .../pthreads/manual/pthread_setschedparam.html     |  114 -
 .../pthreads/manual/pthread_spin_init.html         |  176 -
 .../pthreads/manual/pthread_spin_lock.html         |  141 -
 .../pthreads/manual/pthread_spin_unlock.html       |  124 -
 .../manual/pthread_timechange_handler_np.html      |   76 -
 .../manual/pthread_win32_attach_detach_np.html     |   74 -
 .../manual/pthread_win32_test_features_np.html     |   68 -
 .../pthreads/manual/sched_get_priority_max.html    |  115 -
 .../pthreads/manual/sched_getscheduler.html        |  127 -
 .../pthreads/manual/sched_setscheduler.html        |  181 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/manual/sched_yield.html    |   98 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/manual/sem_init.html       |  200 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/misc.c                     |   50 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/mutex.c                    |   59 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/need_errno.h               |  142 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/nonportable.c              |   46 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/private.c                  |   57 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/pthread.c                  |   65 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/pthread.dsp                |  142 -
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 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/pthread.h                  | 1378 -
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 .../pthreads/pthread_attr_getdetachstate.c         |   86 -
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 .../3rdparty/pthreads/pthread_attr_getschedparam.c |   52 -
 .../pthreads/pthread_attr_getschedpolicy.c         |   61 -
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 .../3rdparty/pthreads/pthread_attr_getstackaddr.c  |   97 -
 .../3rdparty/pthreads/pthread_attr_getstacksize.c  |  100 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/pthread_attr_init.c        |  117 -
 .../pthreads/pthread_attr_setdetachstate.c         |   91 -
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 .../3rdparty/pthreads/pthread_attr_setschedparam.c |   63 -
 .../pthreads/pthread_attr_setschedpolicy.c         |   55 -
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 .../3rdparty/pthreads/pthread_attr_setstackaddr.c  |   97 -
 .../3rdparty/pthreads/pthread_attr_setstacksize.c  |  110 -
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 .../pthreads/pthread_barrierattr_getpshared.c      |   95 -
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 .../pthreads/pthread_condattr_getpshared.c         |   97 -
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 .../pthreads/pthread_condattr_setpshared.c         |  117 -
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 .../pthreads/ptw32_callUserDestroyRoutines.c       |  220 -
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 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/ptw32_processTerminate.c   |  114 -
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 .../pthreads/ptw32_spinlock_check_need_init.c      |   81 -
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 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/ptw32_threadStart.c        |  360 -
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 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/ptw32_tkAssocDestroy.c     |  114 -
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 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/tests/Debug.dsw            |   29 -
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 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/tests/Debug.txt            |    6 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/tests/GNUmakefile          |  375 -
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 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/tests/README.BENCHTESTS    |   74 -
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 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/tests/SIZES.GCE            |   20 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/tests/SIZES.VC             |   20 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/tests/SIZES.VCE            |   19 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/tests/SIZES.VSE            |   19 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/tests/Wmakefile            |  346 -
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 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/version.rc                 |  384 -
 win32/3rdparty/pthreads/w32_CancelableWait.c       |  160 -
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 win32/3rdparty/zlib/FAQ                            |  339 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/INDEX                          |   51 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/Makefile.in                    |  154 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/README                         |  125 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/adler32.c                      |  149 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/algorithm.txt                  |  209 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/amiga/Makefile.pup             |   66 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/amiga/Makefile.sas             |   65 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/as400/bndsrc                   |  132 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/as400/compile.clp              |  123 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/as400/readme.txt               |  111 -
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 win32/3rdparty/zlib/compress.c                     |   79 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/configure                      |  459 -
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 win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/ada/mtest.adb          |  156 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/ada/read.adb           |  156 -
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 win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/asm686/match.S         |  329 -
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 win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/blast/blast.h          |   71 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/blast/test.txt         |    1 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/delphi/ZLib.pas        |  557 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/delphi/ZLibConst.pas   |   11 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/delphi/readme.txt      |   76 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/delphi/zlibd32.mak     |   93 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib.build  |   33 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib.sln    |   21 -
 .../zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/AssemblyInfo.cs   |   58 -
 .../zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/ChecksumImpl.cs   |  202 -
 .../zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/CircularBuffer.cs |   83 -
 .../zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/CodecBase.cs      |  198 -
 .../zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/Deflater.cs       |  106 -
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 .../zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/UnitTests.cs      |  274 -
 .../3rdparty/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/LICENSE_1_0.txt  |   23 -
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 win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/infback9/inftree9.h    |   55 -
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 .../zlib/contrib/iostream2/zstream_test.cpp        |   25 -
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 win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/iostream3/zfstream.h   |  466 -
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 win32/3rdparty/zlib/deflate.h                      |  331 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/example.c                      |  565 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/examples/README.examples       |   42 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/examples/fitblk.c              |  233 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/examples/gun.c                 |  693 -
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 win32/3rdparty/zlib/examples/gzjoin.c              |  448 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/examples/gzlog.c               |  413 -
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 win32/3rdparty/zlib/examples/zlib_how.html         |  523 -
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 win32/3rdparty/zlib/examples/zran.c                |  404 -
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 win32/3rdparty/zlib/inflate.c                      | 1368 -
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 win32/3rdparty/zlib/make_vms.com                   |  461 -
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 win32/3rdparty/zlib/msdos/Makefile.dj2             |  104 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/msdos/Makefile.emx             |   69 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/msdos/Makefile.msc             |  106 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/msdos/Makefile.tc              |   94 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/old/Makefile.riscos            |  151 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/old/README                     |    3 -
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 win32/3rdparty/zlib/old/zlib.html                  |  971 -
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 win32/3rdparty/zlib/projects/visualc6/zlib.dsp     |  609 -
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 win32/3rdparty/zlib/win32/Makefile.emx             |   69 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/win32/Makefile.gcc             |  141 -
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 win32/3rdparty/zlib/zutil.c                        |  318 -
 win32/3rdparty/zlib/zutil.h                        |  269 -
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 win32/LLVMcodegen.vcproj                           |  650 -
 win32/LLVMjit.vcproj                               |  570 -
 win32/LLVMsystem.vcproj                            |  230 -
 win32/LLVMx86codegen.vcproj                        |  252 -
 win32/README                                       |   70 -
 win32/clamav-config.h                              |  563 -
 win32/clambc.vcproj                                |  211 -
 win32/clamconf.vcproj                              |  215 -
 win32/clamd.vcproj                                 |  243 -
 win32/clamdscan.vcproj                             |  227 -
 win32/clamscan.vcproj                              |  228 -
 win32/compat/dirent.c                              |  109 -
 win32/compat/dirent.h                              |   60 -
 win32/compat/gettimeofday.c                        |   36 -
 win32/compat/gettimeofday.h                        |   26 -
 win32/compat/glob.c                                |  274 -
 win32/compat/libclamav_main.c                      |  134 -
 win32/compat/libgen.c                              |  153 -
 win32/compat/libgen.h                              |   31 -
 win32/compat/ltdl.c                                |   59 -
 win32/compat/ltdl.h                                |   51 -
 win32/compat/net.c                                 |  470 -
 win32/compat/net.h                                 |   52 -
 win32/compat/random.c                              |   35 -
 win32/compat/random.h                              |   27 -
 win32/compat/referrno.txt                          |  131 -
 win32/compat/regen_errno_defs.sh                   |   57 -
 win32/compat/resolv.c                              |   97 -
 win32/compat/resolv.h                              |  122 -
 win32/compat/snprintf.c                            |   41 -
 win32/compat/snprintf.h                            |   26 -
 win32/compat/strptime.c                            | 1149 -
 win32/compat/w32_errno.c                           |   37 -
 win32/compat/w32_errno.h                           |   33 -
 win32/compat/w32_errno_defs.c                      |  647 -
 win32/compat/w32_stat.c                            |  173 -
 win32/compat/w32_stat.h                            |   46 -
 win32/configure.bat                                |    1 -
 win32/configure.js                                 |   75 -
 win32/freshclam.vcproj                             |  262 -
 win32/libclamav.def                                |  198 -
 win32/libclamav.vcproj                             |  855 -
 win32/libclamavcxx.vcproj                          |  168 -
 win32/libclamunrar.def                             |    6 -
 win32/libclamunrar.vcproj                          |  238 -
 win32/libclamunrar_iface.def                       |    6 -
 win32/libclamunrar_iface.vcproj                    |  218 -
 win32/llvmbuild/fixpaths.sh                        |    3 -
 win32/llvmbuild/include/llvm/Config/AsmParsers.def |   30 -
 .../llvmbuild/include/llvm/Config/AsmPrinters.def  |   30 -
 .../include/llvm/Config/Disassemblers.def          |   30 -
 win32/llvmbuild/include/llvm/Config/Targets.def    |   29 -
 win32/llvmbuild/include/llvm/Config/config.h       |  621 -
 win32/llvmbuild/include/llvm/System/DataTypes.h    |  171 -
 win32/llvmbuild/include/llvm/intrinsics_gen.vcproj |  257 -
 .../include/llvm/llvm_headers_do_not_build.vcproj  | 2020 -
 win32/llvmbuild/lib/Analysis/IPA/LLVMipa.vcproj    |  252 -
 win32/llvmbuild/lib/Analysis/LLVMAnalysis.vcproj   |  528 -
 .../lib/CodeGen/AsmPrinter/LLVMAsmPrinter.vcproj   |  576 -
 win32/llvmbuild/lib/CodeGen/LLVMCodeGen.vcproj     | 1336 -
 .../CodeGen/SelectionDAG/LLVMSelectionDAG.vcproj   |  628 -
 .../lib/ExecutionEngine/JIT/LLVMJIT.vcproj         |  504 -
 .../lib/ExecutionEngine/LLVMExecutionEngine.vcproj |  368 -
 win32/llvmbuild/lib/MC/LLVMMC.vcproj               |  448 -
 win32/llvmbuild/lib/Support/LLVMSupport.vcproj     |  872 -
 win32/llvmbuild/lib/System/LLVMSystem.vcproj       |  520 -
 win32/llvmbuild/lib/Target/LLVMTarget.vcproj       |  408 -
 .../llvmbuild/lib/Target/X86/LLVMX86CodeGen.vcproj | 2025 -
 .../lib/Target/X86/TargetInfo/LLVMX86Info.vcproj   |  364 -
 .../lib/Target/X86/X86CodeGenTable_gen.vcproj      |  785 -
 .../lib/Transforms/Scalar/LLVMScalarOpts.vcproj    |  484 -
 .../lib/Transforms/Utils/LLVMTransformUtils.vcproj |  456 -
 win32/llvmbuild/lib/VMCore/LLVMCore.vcproj         |  700 -
 win32/llvmbuild/utils/TableGen/tblgen.vcproj       |  506 -
 win32/platform.h                                   |  111 -
 win32/res/clam.ico                                 |  Bin 104382 -> 0 bytes
 win32/res/clambc.rc                                |    6 -
 win32/res/clamconf.rc                              |    6 -
 win32/res/clamd.rc                                 |    6 -
 win32/res/clamdscan.rc                             |    6 -
 win32/res/clamscan.rc                              |    6 -
 win32/res/common.rc                                |   47 -
 win32/res/freshclam.rc                             |    6 -
 win32/res/libclamav.rc                             |    4 -
 win32/res/libclamunrar.rc                          |    4 -
 win32/res/libclamunrar_iface.rc                    |    4 -
 win32/res/sigtool.rc                               |    6 -
 win32/sigtool.vcproj                               |  225 -
 win32/target.h                                     |   11 -
 win32/update-win32.pl                              |  420 -
 956 files changed, 28952 insertions(+), 284663 deletions(-)
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