[Pkg-clamav-devel] LogRotate, create user and the option in the config

Andreas Cadhalpun andreas.cadhalpun at googlemail.com
Fri Apr 4 13:07:31 UTC 2014

Hi Scott,

On 04.04.2014 14:44, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> You can manage your configuration exclusively through Debconf or exclusively
> through hand editing the files. Mixing the two methods can have bad results.
> The Debconf method has been supported since approximately forever and I don't
> think we should drop it.

Then let's keep it. Though we still have to something about the 
LogRotate option needing dpkg-reconfigure of other packages.

> I do question the value of having clamav rotate its logs. I suspect people are
> getting double rotation sometimes due to both the package and system logrotate
> being active. I think we should pick one.
> I think it should be the system logrotate and the package option should be disabled.

This sounds reasonable.

Best regards,

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