[Pkg-clamav-devel] LogRotate, create user and the option in the config

Scott Kitterman debian at kitterman.com
Wed Mar 26 22:25:11 UTC 2014

On March 26, 2014 3:33:25 PM MDT, Andreas Cadhalpun <andreas.cadhalpun at googlemail.com> wrote:
>On 26.03.2014 08:26, Scott Kitterman wrote:
>> Before clamav had this new LogRotate option, the system handled it
>> The more I'm looking at it, the more I think we should make LogRotate
>> and set the file size option to 0 and not have clamav anything about
>> the files.  Let lograte do it like it did before.  We've clearly
>added a bunch
>> more complexity to potentially expose to the user and I'm not sure
>what it
>> buys.
>> On platforms that don't have a good log rotation facility, this might
>> sense, but the more I look at it, the less I think we need it.
>Are you suggesting to set LogRotate to false by default, which still 
>could be changed by dpkg-reconfigure clamav-base?
>I don't care either way, but this wouldn't help for anyone enabling 
>this, who still had to run dpkg-reconfigure clamav-daemon and so on.
>Or are you suggesting to completely remove the option for LogRotate?
>But then, how should we handle the case, when a user sets it in 
>clamd.conf? Just ignore it?

I'm suggesting we might want to ignore it and support logrotate the same way we did in 0.97.8 and before. 

>I think the easiest (and thus best?) way forward is to add a comment in
>README.Debian or the clamav-base/LogRotate template (or both)
>that one has to run dpkg-reconfigure for the other packages to update 
>the logrotation file.
>Best regards,

Maybe. The big difference is that files will be rotated when they get to the defined file size by clamav rather than when logrotate would do it.

I don't know what the right answer is. 

Scott K

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