[Pkg-clamav-devel] Bug#774686: ClamAV: Can't create new file

Andreas Cadhalpun andreas.cadhalpun at googlemail.com
Sun Jan 11 22:06:47 UTC 2015

Hi Sebastian,

On 11.01.2015 21:37, Sebastian Andrzej Siewior wrote:
> On 2015-01-10 15:51:19 [+0100], Andreas Cadhalpun wrote:
>> If I understand correctly, this problem only affects scanning (partially)
>> broken archives and thus shouldn't have a major impact.
>> In particular the provided sample seems to be broken completely, because
>> cabextract only extracts empty files.
> I think that this is a shortcomming of the libmspack library. 7z of
> p7zip-full is able to extract those files. So it is not broken, it may
> use something that not implemented as expected.

That's interesting. Care to file a bug about this against libmspack?
Fixing that in libmspack would likely be the best solution.

>> In light of this I'd say the fix can wait until the next release.

As the file is apparently usable and havp needlessly blocks downloading 
it, I'm not sure anymore, whether we should wait with this fix.
I guess this depends on how many archives out there are affected by this 
shortcoming in libmspack and that is hard to determine.

>> These changes seem to have no effect, or have they?
> After looking at this in peace I have to say that this change should
> have no effect. I will revert the two changes.


>> The rest of the patch looks good.
> Thanks for looking.

You're welcome.

Best regards,

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