Very quick questions about ln_makepkg

Gergely Nagy algernon at
Wed Jun 12 12:55:53 UTC 2013

Eugenio Cano-Manuel Mendoza <eugeniocanom at> writes:

> Hello,
> I managed to make a Debian package for ln_makepkg. While I was using it to
> package scout a few things came to my mind:
>     * If source name is "scout-clojure", what is the correct filename for
> the
>     generated jar? is it scout.jar or scout-clojure.jar?

The upstream jar name, so "scout.jar".

>     * Is it an overkill to automatically look for the ITP bug the package
>     closes?

I'd say yes. None of the *make tools do that, and we want the maintainer
to do some work too :)

>     * Should I package ln_makepkg by itself for now or should it be part of
>     leinhelper (or some other name) and we just add tools to the package
> while
>     they come?

Same source, I'd say. Whether it's worth a separate binary package later
on is another case.


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